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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. the 0z GFS NYD rainer was nice......
  2. just throw in the towel now dude.....Everyone loves SPING!!!!!
  3. Youngster lol - look at my handle….ive been here since 2004…..
  4. Relax….I don’t go on and on when I post and won’t shit up the discussion thread during storm mode - besides There never used to be banter threads anyway…..
  5. if i wanted massive rainers i'd move back home......norcal the past 10 years has had better more interesting weather than new england.....new england sucks
  6. yep.....major events don't happen anymore......we get massive bullshit rainers or elongated pieces of shit.......but i was told i'm being ridiculous........
  7. Nope….if only those Decembers had been great….MDGA
  8. yes it has....theres no question.....
  9. try as hard as you can to explain how a winter where you lose December can still be great.....it can't.....it could have always been greater.....so shut up
  10. nah.....one question.....what do you call a winter season where December wets the bed like an infant? The answer is: a fuking lost one.......and thats it....nothin you can do
  11. classical dixie i see.....good music
  12. I see a lot of whistl'in dixie in here......its over......put a fork in it.....this season cooked the best turkey.....JFC
  13. Yes - I just made final payment on sons hockey tournament in Montreal in January…it’s was $1104 CAD which hit my card for $761 USD…..then the 3% international transaction fee….which was separate
  14. IDK dude….that season wasn’t memorable like 2010-11…..that’s all I know…..that season we were so pissed off about the Boxing Day disaster but then the shit hit the fan and January 2011 fucking owned…..collapsed roofs everywhere…..the only regret was that it didn’t last into at least the first week of February but that’s ok….that season was the gold standard here for the last 50 years…..nothing has come close…..
  15. yep.....and your total was good for that season.....demonstrates the variation over a few miles that definitely happens......recently we travel to see snow now.....it doesn't exist here....lol
  16. We're within 4 weeks of that and it doesn't look good.....punt.....
  17. Ya - despite having that event in December 2020 the season total in Hartford that season ended up at 30"....well below the 50" or so average......Hartford hasn't had a normal total since 2018-19.....and here we are about to lose December and the first half of January.....so theres only 6 weeks to get it done......pathetic the last half decade - so even in the CTRV that all youse like to remind me I live in it has been pathetic.......time to get shit going again
  18. I do remember being pissed off in that Dec 2020 event because nothing really happened after that so we lost the good start to the season….Inremember ranting about that pretty hard….lol
  19. I don’t want normal….i want above normal all the time - nobody wants normal seasons…..lol
  20. It’s pedestrian - December’s seemed to be better when we first moved here in 2004….then total skunk job last decade or so….definitely want to end up back in Tahoe where 500+ is a bone job lol
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