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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. lol 18z........wobbling all over the gulf.....
  2. Elongated pieces of shit though.......its like hell....
  3. So that thing is still showing up except now - around 240 - it seems to be interacting with the trough.......she coming folks.....
  4. Oh cool.....0z said BYE....and stretched it out into some elongated POS that we've become so used to having the last few seasons or so.......stretched out pieces of shit guys.....remember that.....thats all the past few seasons have been......elongated stretched out pieces of shit.....k bye
  5. Until its inside 240 come on guy.......even then......that feature has been there for several cycles so theres that but lets not get carried away.....
  6. lol it showed up again in 18z but crossing cuba and heading nne but then the trough gets close and pulls her back a frame then scoots ne out of here......but she there....
  7. https://imgur.com/aslZ47C What in the world is going on here......is there a nuke under her? that is a perfectly circular explosion of storms i guess.....and gust front? - idk - that goes all the way into central alabama and mississippi.......never seen anything like that and how can i get this to embed rather than a link to click on? Edit: I don't think its a regular outflow boundary.....maybe.....seems maybe in the upper atmos IDK
  8. Lol....I’d love to see what they’re seeing to include Hartford County.....or why it goes until 8pm.....
  9. Nice storm just rolled over cape Ann.....caught this from the eastern point lighthouse....look close....city is poking out under the shelf in the distance on the left....
  10. 11PM update has it East of that....right up Bourbon Street....yikes
  11. You can get like 6-7kW for $800-$1200 depending on what type.....theres dual fuel ones and ones with bigger starting wattage.......the outdoor connection and wiring to the panel with the transfer switch is like $500.......friend of ours just had electrician over today and they paid him just under $500......cheapest way is the manual transfer switch with like a 30amp or 50amp 120/240 cable between genny and plug......the cable is like $100-$200......I'll be installing this setup before winter after the prices come down from this event.......the power grid is such a shit show.....
  12. I had a feeling early on that we were headed down Oct 2011 path again and I remember thinking how is that even possible after that, after Irene, after Sandy.......how could they be so bad at restoration.........short of cutting everybodys trees down they need to be prestaging better and communicating better with town officials.....have more crews ready to go...and figure out a way to identify the source of outages quicker rather than visual inspection and reading 75 year old maps......i hope people don't forget too soon......before something is done about it....they're so bad at this
  13. The wiki says 727k but I know....its Wiki......it also says there were 92 mph gusts in Hartford.....holy moly.....can't even imagine that especially when 60 mph looked insane
  14. 157k still out.....there’s no way they get to the 99% restored by Tuesday Which is what they said a couple days ago......which is Election Day also....Everworst
  15. We got our power back around 4:00 today so we went basically 96 hours without.....now while Everworst really did shit themselves regarding the early response and crew staging before the storm what are the one or two things that cause the most difficulty in restoration even if they had done everything right? Seems to me pinpointing location of actual damage and prioritizing repair to get the most bang out the repair are just really hard especially with the chaos of trees and debris and identifying stuff....reading incomplete maps that are 75 years old....or incomplete outage reports from customers.....it must be really hard.... The technology these days must exist where the system can pinpoint damage....or where it monitors the grid and maps out what circuits have dropped off..... It can’t be easy.....like a TS in Florida equal to Isais - what do they do down there that would be so much better?
  16. I don’t know what it is about west Hartford but it’s weird that twice a big power event happened and CL&P/ES response was pretty meh initially.....that’s weird....maybe the same town liaison from 2011....
  17. It’s a lot of damage dude and if it’s not as bad as Oct 2011 it seems pretty close....I keep telling myself it’s not but then just keep seeing more and more.....I don’t remember the signals being down so long for some reason.....But maybe that’s because I wasn’t holed up in my basement for work which means I’m making more trips around town than back then as I did return to the office in Cheshire the next day....
  18. I would have thought they would have done this 9 years ago when literally the same thing happened.....BTW when I went to Home Depot today saw this....some sort of transmission line running parallel to new park avenue along the busway to Hartford.....gone.....you can see where they stop....turn around and for as far as you can see gone....so boned....so boned See below lol
  19. Genny auto-shutoff for low oil.....had to weenie search for oil in the shed with phone light lol....found it and refilled so all good
  20. West Hartford is a disaster.....reminds me of Oct 201....tree debris everywhere.....can’t drive a half mile without getting turned back or diverting.....unreal.....found the lone Mexican joint with power and it’s jamming....also found the one packie 520k out of power in CT now....391k Eversource....rest UI....
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