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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. That week before VD delivers sometimes....2013....damn
  2. Ok I remember that shit storm too but I was talking about this guy......2’+ in west Hartford..... it’s why I remember it so well and it was the first biggie after we bought our house...... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_blizzard_of_2006
  3. Didn’t feb 2006 have that great blizzard right before VD?
  4. You could make a super bowl team out of the players on IR all by itself.....
  5. Damn.....I slept through it....something I miss from CA.....
  6. Radar still looks like shit lolz....
  7. Oh stop...it’s October and it’s not 2011....go to sleep
  8. Oh boy.....fella stayed up.....LFG guys
  9. Farmington valley generally got the big bone in 2011......Farmington plainville avon aims bury west Hartford newington new Britain Bristol.....all got boned....it is nice to have the genny for sure
  10. ^ya the neighbors loved me.....lol.....7500W genny is no slouch.....the soothing humm at night put me to sleep.....
  11. What’s funny is we used the in laws genny after isaias in august......the same genny we borrowed in 2011.....we’ve used my wife’s fathers genny more hours than he has.....so lolz....Hartford area was so boned in 2011 it was unbelievable.......coming from CA I’d never seen a weather impact like that before....crazy
  12. I’m sorry but do I need to go get my father in laws 7500 genny? Another 2011 in less than 10 years would be so 2020......LFG....I’ll gladly take it in the ass again here in west Hartford....so boned in 2011.....Eversource lolz
  13. 18z GFS says "she back".......just back at 384
  14. Any chance that other storm gets yanked in here? Or from that position zero chance?
  15. Like totally gone.....never even a blip out of the carribean......
  16. Octobomb 2011 or sandy followed same path....LFG
  17. Well it looked good up until 276.....lol 276....anyway....I’d have to look at 500 but the next frame it scoots out of here NNE....trough probably not amplifying like it needs to be to get a weak spot for her....but 276 soooo....we’ll keep watching
  18. 0z back up the coast then scooted out of here
  19. Right....what’s great is the thing has been there for like a week....LFG
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