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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. When it’s appropriate do we let this joesnow guy start the thread? I say sure....why not.....he’s zero to triple bunner in record time.....
  2. It’s why I love being in gas range and water heater.....immune to power outages....hot water all day and night....
  3. Water pumps for wells.....electric dryers....electric water heaters....microwaves....electric ovens....they eat so much power it’s crazy
  4. You need upwards of 7 or 8 KW genny to do those things and you’d still have to pick and choose.....if you want the whole house to run like normal you’re gonna need above 10KW i would think.....we have a small 2kw one that we use to save our refrigerator mostly but if the outage is in summer we can’t run all the window AC units.....and I have no way to power the furnace if it was in winter....if you
  5. She tryna flip in the valley here,... massive mangled flakes....LFG
  6. Lol DT.....come at me bro for 2010...Bye Ryan Howard......whatever....hope this opening salvo of 2020 ends wire to wire with epic pack....LFG
  7. Lol the weird red zone “Boston west?”.....with the other red zone south of that....that’s not real....come on
  8. Jan 05 lol.....what a bust here in HFD....awful....that was an early lesson in fail for me....had just lived here previous August....
  9. wait....we need to do this....i would totally zoom.......it would have to be with a threat out there inside 96? 84?.......whether or not my video is on i'll defer to later......
  10. you should go back to 10-11 to capture january 11 and feb 2013.......those would be the A++ and A+ seasons
  11. Ya we were out for a couple hours.......back on now.....high voltage lines blew off damaged T-bar onto the light couple houses up......easy fix but that guy in the bucket was blowing all over the place and getting pelted.......
  12. A total disaster in Hartford..... and that matters.... what came later made up for it no question.....we wait
  13. Granted that season started so bad with that pig Boxing Day disaster....
  14. Gonna need a 10-11 look up in this bitch inside 480 otherwise I’m warming up the melt.....lfg
  15. A kill rate that high wouldn’t be sustainable on the virus side.....it would just burn itself out I think.....this virus is new and just lethal enough to kill and spread at the same time....most survive while spreading it.....
  16. Ya that was crazy....line was literally over Gillette as time ran out....the cameras were drenched
  17. 8500 Eversource out....+2700 in 15 min...
  18. Radar velocities over Hartford are like 75mph......whats the height associated with that given I'm 63 miles from the KOKX? Obviously its not blowing like that on the ground.....
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