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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. Crested Butte? No way.....imma gonna retire in Truckee CA thank you very much..... my pack fetish won’t be denied there no doubt about it....occasionally they get a flood like 1997 but not often...lol
  2. The toast was so good....the west Hartford Whole Fodds has a good mother and bakes a decent sourdough......so a good night.....10 fold enjoyment over what SNE brings in the snow department.....what a joke
  3. Haha....Imma gonna toast me up some San Francisco sourdough and enjoy a taste of home while you wallow knee deep in a fantasy that is SNE normalcy......like we should be paring off equal.....my delicious sourdough toast against your amazing SNE snow......yet here we are....complete SNE fail.....I’m done
  4. I mean we got folks still talking about how January can be saved and shit.....JFC
  5. I love all the grasping at straws that happens when we are waist deep in shit.....
  6. And I swear anybody who tells me to calm down.....stfu....
  7. When you start so great in mid December and then get absolutely bent over by the grinch and the grinches ugly step sister a week later you can in no way act like anything that happens later is redeeming in any way....the season is an all time ratter regardless....if we get a Nemo in here in 3 weeks I’m not rejoicing.....got it? It’s cancelled at this point.....LFG May 1
  8. But the SSW will save us at 384.....FML
  9. What a garbage winter.....next
  10. I don’t recall Jan 15.....which means it had to be better than that shit stain Boxing Day deal.....here anyway....that storm sucked....so bad
  11. That’s what we want right? LFG
  12. Were we talking Boxing Day here? Don’t get me started.....in my 16.5 years here that’s the number one shite stain on my list of shiters......has to be....so much promise.....then got shite on
  13. Oh let’s do that all day.....I love talking to my wife’s parents about the old classics in CT......her father remembers vividly 78.....and the hurricanes....Gloria.....and then the ones when he was a kid....Donna? And another one I forget?.....great stories...
  14. Wait 78 wasn’t just the February monster?
  15. We need this NOW!!!!! So badly..... come on....lfg
  16. I sound like my scicilian grandma talking about her treks to and from school in mountains of snow in the Italian ghetto of Chicago in 1920.....
  17. Really? It took until mid month to get going? I feel like that whole month was just rocking constantly.....shoveling not small amounts of snow twice even three times a week.....lol Hartford streets were completely impassable cuz they gave up and just used the right lanes to store the snow......one time going to pick up 6 month old the traffic was so bad due to lane reduction everywhere I had to bail and hoof it 6 blocks to get him then carry him in the seat back to car climbing over mountains of uncleared snow at the crosswalk ramps.....wild
  18. By the time you get into second half of February elevation becomes a thing and I’m not high..... that’s why I cut it off at feb 15 or 20.... somewhere in there....
  19. This is what I’m saying.....this quiet stretch is infuriating all by itself but the sting would be less if we still had some pack OTG from December....but no....we got tropical rains instead..... The flavor of the winter matters....and this flavor sucks.....and we’re running out of time quickly....4 maybe 5 weeks left.....
  20. I do on my laptop and tower but haven’t added that on mobile....thanks phin
  21. It’d be nice if the ads in ampol behaved like amwx.....they’re much less intrusive....also what ever happened to the subscription? That eliminates the ads?
  22. Jan 05 was garbage.....I know you probably loved it but there were losers.....it was an early introduction to SNE winter.....we had moved in previous August......the result was so meh compared to forecast....here anyway....
  23. the half inch of junk that just goes away overnight is so annoying.......why bother.......better if it was a refresher on an established pack greater than 18" or something.......but on bare ground who even cares....
  24. josh on nbc ct had 4" in harwinton......thats not bad i guess......we were just there yesterday......well on our ride to and from mohawk......they need some new snow for sure.......the fake shit is so annoying
  25. don't take my adverbs as anything serious.....the storm did bust i would say with the lead up having a few more inches.......so porked.......
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