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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. But we got people in here saying New England weather is boring AF lol……I grew up in the Bay Area…..in 32 years there I saw some pretty extreme El Niño events…..1984ish? New Years 1997 was epic……but I hear ya…..the frequency of extreme is only slightly higher here in New England than there I’d say though…..after being here for 17 years……
  2. CA has it easy too mostly save the occasional 72” at Lake Tahoe storm or 7.0 earthquake lol
  3. Ponder this lol…..seriously….we haven’t seen a meaningful pack pre Xmas since idk….I’m sure I’ll be corrected but if it wasn’t memorable enough to burn an image in my simple weenie brain does it even count? Lol
  4. Don’t get sucked in bro ……the grinch will just ruin everything anyway…..we have no chance
  5. @Torch Tigeryoure relatively new here - I get it…. December brings so much promise like April and MLB…and then your team shits the bed
  6. Lol winter…..the grinch is licking his chops…..jezuz
  7. lol another ratter.....the grinch is coming you guys......and thats it
  8. Ya wasn't there a total bust of a storm right before NYD or Xmas eve/day before it started snowing in January and just wouldn't stop? Something where I was supposed to get like a foot and ended up getting slutted bad and got like 3 inches lol........I'd take a slut like that every December if it meant 30" pack by the end of January - all day......
  9. Southington right? That January was so epic……it just wouldn’t stop snowing…..
  10. Wasting half of weeks to rats means we only have 6.5 weeks to do damage….which we won’t
  11. Mid February is the line bro…..in this Sunday in November we’ve got a quarter of a year to not rat…..let’s do that…..of course I’m sure we’ll waste half of those weeks to rats….probably more…..I’m sorry….since 2010-11 I’m the worst
  12. What a ratter so far.......I'm taking my rants out of storage......soon
  13. Except 2010-11 is it ever a pack season? I hate New England…..need to move to truckee CA……
  14. Lol this looks like complete garbage…..
  15. Shit then….they need to land that B
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