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Everything posted by ice1972

  1. Was that at the Oakland Coliseum? lol back then when just wandering around you could just stumble upon something like that - that would never happen now......I used to deliver pizza to his house on the regular back in the mid 90's......a couple of times I got invited inside - the football shit in there was epic.....he was huge and a larger than life dude in a whole number of ways....BOOM!!! RIP
  2. IDK - that doesn’t matter….you’re hung up on average or normal or whatever it is people here smoke……the point is that it can snow and be all wintery in west Hartford in December - we know this and we’ve seen it…..plenty of times I’ve had a good starter pack on my Xmas lights on the azaleas to get the month solidly in the win column…..sure maybe it’s “normal” to have more “winter” I. Jan and Feb here but I don’t care…..I expect greatness every year…..this December is not great - it’s not even good…..it’s garbage and you all know it and it sucks
  3. Man this rubs me wrong - all kinds of wrong - it was Corona Light and limes in West Hartford after that storm......
  4. The definition of a good winter does not include losing December.......theres three periods in winter and you can't go down 2-0 in the first period and expect to blow out the other team especially when the wait for the next game is 9 months - God it sucks to lose December - can't do that
  5. It also makes you wonder what could have been and thats the grail we all want.......if only December had come in good - if only......like Jan 2011 was amazing but it was preceded by Boxing Day 2010 - ALL TIME SHIT STORM IN THE HISTORY OF SHIT STORMS - and then followed by the great February melt.....my 30" pack went to zilch in a day or whatever - you know what I mean..... The mood of winter matters.......and when you lose December the mood sucks.....
  6. Totally - winter needs to behave itself and not be a ****ing toddler about it........you can't lose December like this and feel good about the rest of the season even if it turns out "average".....so many people on here are cool with an "average" winter.....its fuking weird....
  7. We moved in august 2004 to CT so I do t think I remember that as vividly…..plenty of folks on here will remember what hakkened in RI any year…..they have like a photographic memory….it’s weird
  8. I’m a Bay Area native with strong ties to Lake Tahoe and surroundings from my love for skiing and later snowboarding……the Lake Tahoe area is pretty epic for riding and I have lots of crazy memories of driving up there in bad weather…..most memorable was the 540 I did on I-80 descending into Truckee in a blizzard after passing over the summit…..almost got clipped by a van….then the 1997 New Year’s Day flood was pretty epic…..we had planned a snowboarding trip leaving from Davis CA early Jan 1 but that quickly turned into “get yourself out of the mountains and into Reno as fast as possible” the flood was ridiculous……89 was covered to squaw valley…..80 closed later due to mudslides…..the airport in Reno was under feet of water….and the train station too…..we were stranded in Reno for 2 days….I’ll never forget staying at the circus circus and watching whole families evacuated to downtown hotels cuz the Truckee river was just raging…..man
  9. Wut a disaster of a season when the discussion is about growing vegetables and snowfall 3000 miles away…..for Christ sakes….SNE balls shriveled to raisins
  10. Reno gets shadowed something fierce…..if I lived in Reno I’d hate it cuz I’d know Truckee and Donner Summit we’re getting smoked while I’m looking at shredded shit…..not unlike around here lately…..SNE sucks
  11. I think its the first thing you said......Truckee sits on the east side of Donner summit and gets shadowed to some extent.......and I think the weather station is at the airport which is on the east side of town......wiki says its the fifth snowiest cityin the US based on and average 204 inches per year but IDK what they are calling a "city"........the real high totals are obviously in the nearby resorts - check out Soda Springs lol........
  12. So like at what point last night did my age get advanced 43 years…..lol
  13. Love me some egg nog….still….I’d argue same through st pattys green beer too….like that’s where winter goes to die….lol
  14. Nominate me please…..I’m officially running now….thank you
  15. Oh boy if you do though…..and that’s my measure of a winter…..don’t be ordinary old man…..be amazing
  16. Some would say that is still a ratter…..like winter doesn’t just get to excuse itself for 8 weeks and then everything is cool if it’s amazing the final 4 weeks…..that’s lame
  17. Don’t get me wrong I do love good storms on their own but over the years have grown a big fan of the more elusive wire to wire pack- the more the better…..still trying to break the all time depth of 30” in late Jan 2011…..it was just so amazing
  18. I don’t recall 2015 being all that amazing here….it wasn’t 2011 bazurk that’s for sure….
  19. You’re not seeing what I’m saying…..if you go 8 of 12 weeks with garbage winter and then follow with 4 weeks of epic how can you tout that as amazing…..the mood of winter matters
  20. We’ll see…..here’s my litmus test…..if shit turns around ala 2010-11 where I was so pissed off about Boxing Day lol but then the epic january happened then fine…..good on winter…..if we’re at mid January and we’re still running on empty then it’s a rat…..you can’t recover from that…..like a big event is cool and all but the season mood is shot….that matters
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