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Bodhi Cove

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About Bodhi Cove

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  1. about the same here 85 and 77
  2. Hummingbird spotted in Columbia
  3. Just a friendly reminder the hummingbirds are already in Northern Virginia heading into Maryland get your feeders out!
  4. Hopefully you're right because we drive across that bridge every freaking day twice and I guarantee you there's going to be a crap ton of car accidents due to people not familiar with taking another route the big trucks are going to be out there again cuz they can't go through the tunnel it's really going to be horrible
  5. It was rather lackluster Bayside. But I'm not complaining
  6. Four and a quarter inches of rain . Thankfully it's finally moved along
  7. This storm over on the other side of the river from you has stalled right here it looks like it's going to lighten up a little bit and move on and then out of nowhere The wind kicks up again with more rain and lightning strikes
  8. Non-stop torrential rain with hail for about 5 minutes and non-stop lightning strikes
  9. Wow, we're under a waterspout warning
  10. Sam on the other side of the patapsco River. Although it looks like it's trying to thin out
  11. I'd happily trade your dandelions if you would take my Virginia creeper
  12. Wind gust at home 49 mph. Kind of surprised didn't think our weather station would ever get higher than 45 mph. update, wind gust of 51 mph
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