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Everything posted by RickinBaltimore

  1. That looked like the 2021 Orioles last night, eesh
  2. Snowmageddon and Snowmageddon 2: Snowpocolypse Now in 2010. My then wife and I really thought we were going to have our first child trapped at home.
  3. One back in the loss column at that.
  4. We've got 3 games before the All Star Break and the O's have won 51 games. They won 51 games total 2 years ago.
  5. Baltimore County just came by and watered the trees that were planted here earlier in April. Really? They needed the extra water now?
  6. Think there has been 3 or 4 torrential downpours in the past hour. Lasts maybe 3-5 minutes but a ton of rain falls and then just stops
  7. All of a sudden I hear James Spann's "Chemmmmmtraillllls" soundclip in my head.
  8. Got about an inch of rain last night in Dundalk. Definitely a good soaker, ground and grass is still plenty wet this morning.
  9. It's summer. We get storms, sometimes heavy. People forget that. Hell I can do the weather in summer here: "Hazy, hot and humid with a chance of afternoon or evening thunderstorms, some may be severe." Sorry to be so snarky but I agree with you, the hyperbole is over the top.
  10. Considering the O's now have their 3rd #1 prospect in 2 years with Holliday now too, it's almost too much talent lol
  11. Been a steady rain here for about 20-30 minutes
  12. Been a decent rainfall here for the past 10-15 minutes. Few rumbles of thunder too
  13. Air's much better here today that it's been the rest of this week
  14. 122 on the beltway. For reference, 125-130 is a qualifying speed for Bristol in NASCAR. He did nothing wrong? GTFO
  15. Still dark and hazy here and you can smell the smoke at times
  16. GrayRod was sent back down. Good, he clearly needs to work on his stuff.
  17. 2 of the best teams in baseball going at it. Who the hell would have thought?
  18. Anyone else smell a burning smell, almost like ozone today? Noticed it in my neighborhood this morning.
  19. Holy moly this is just an amazing day. Bright sun, warm but not humid. 11/10.
  20. This might be quite the fun year as a Ravens fan.
  21. Hollywood Brown also had arguably the best season a Ravens WR ever had too, with Lamar missing 4 games in 2021.
  22. Just started raining here in Dundalk about 2-3 minutes ago.
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