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About RickinBaltimore

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Dundalk, MD

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  1. Towson just clinched a share of the CAA regular season title and can clinch the #1 seed tonight with a loss by W&M!
  2. Jordan Binnington in a championship game at TD Garden. Wait, I've seen this movie before!!
  3. Of course it's going to do this on 2/27. I'm supposed to be heading to DC for the Caps/Blues game.
  4. A foot or more region wide? People, if you are complaining about this, find another hobby.
  5. Snowing nicely here in Colgate, no sticking yet
  6. This is really reminding me of 2016 all over again with how consistent the EURO is.
  7. No, but my oldest is in the All State Chorus that weekend at College Park
  8. Light flakeage falling here in Colgate
  9. https://media1.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExc3JyN2hybXlnMjNrZWcwenV3amtocXJhMmdtajlqaGZpMndpbHY1YyZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/l1IBiEzytfXFtkPVm/giphy.gif
  10. PSN has been down for the past 12 hours. Come on Sony, I got demons to kill...
  11. Lamar gets denied a 3rd MVP? No T-Sizzle or Marshal Yanda in the Hall? That's rough. On the flip side, Towson's off to their best CAA start ever.
  12. Can they hit? Pitching wasn't the downfall last year. If you give up 3 runs in 2 games, and only 1 XBH, you can't ask for much more than that from your pitching. I mean Cowser broke his hand swinging at a pitch that hit him.
  13. 90 wins I think would be a safe bet. Should be enough for a WC spot (would have been the top WC spot last season). Now, the biggest question is: Can the O's break the postseason losing streak? In the 2 seasons under Hyde, outside of Game 2 of the ALCS in 2023 where the O's lost 11-8, they have scored a total of 4 runs in those 4 losses.
  14. I think you're right on that, he was definitely off.
  15. Well it then definitely won't in October. (Too soon?)
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