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About Wannabehippie

  • Birthday 11/18/1969

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Riverdale, NJ

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  1. Spring has sprung. Weather pattern seems to be in full spring mode now. Interior sections of the tri-state area might see some really warm conditions on Saturday. Everyone ready for spring weather?
  2. I wouldn't hold my breath on this if I were you.
  3. We probably will be able to create a Dyson sphere at some point as well. I don't think we will match the Star Trek universe of 2063 of Earth being able to create a warp field. That is just 38 years away. It would be a cool thing to see. I would be an old man, but it is definitely within reach for me to live that long.
  4. The great blackout of August 2003? Overloaded lines sagged in to trees, which caused the initial outage. Then alarms failed to go off in control rooms to reduce voltage, then everything cascaded from there. FirstEnergy took a big chunk of the blame for the alarm failures, failure to reduce load, etc.
  5. 250 million years in the future, if humans are still around, they probably would have found ways to control the weather, keep CO2 levels balanced to avoid global warming, or ice ages. Will have gone off in to space to explore other solar systems, possibly even other galaxies via their equivalent of warp drive.
  6. I have seen those in Brooklyn. You can see their nests built on the telephone/cable poles. I wonder how many outages they are responsible for due to their nest building.
  7. Yeah I have no clue where they are getting that sus for the first syllable.
  8. And? You have an issue with Hispanic names?
  9. I think all of those are up in Oswego county. No wonder their numbers are so high.
  10. I totally forgot about them.
  11. We didn't have a classic "january thaw" when we normally would have gotten a 60 degree high. Do we have an outside shot of getting to 60 this week, so we will have at least one day of a 60 degree high?
  12. 2025 Atlantic Hurricane Names: Andrea (AN-dree uh) Barry (BAIR-ree) Chantal (shahn-TAHL) Erin (AIR-rin) Fernand (fair-NAHN) Gabrielle (ga-bree-ELL) Humberto (oom-BAIR-toh) Imelda (ee-MEHL-dah) Jerry (JEHR-ee) Karen (KAIR-ren) Lorenzo (loh-REN-zoh) Melissa (meh-LIH-suh) Nestor (NES-tor) Olga (OAL-guh) Pablo (PAHB-loh) Rebekah (reh-BEH-kuh) Sebastien (sus-BASH-chuhn) Tanya (TAHN-yuh) Van (van) Wendy (WEN-dee)
  13. From what I am seeing on some of the maps, that southern jet is like a firehose at the moment.
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