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Everything posted by HighTechEE

  1. Well dammit, you guys don't want to hear this, only after 1" of snow, it quit, and I don't know what is falling now, but it isn't snow at 30 degrees...
  2. I went from 34 to 30 in minutes, dew pt went from 22 to 25, I have a coating on already. Steady light snow, but looks to become heavy soon. This is my station: https://www.wunderground.com/dashboard/pws/KOHBELLB15 Edit: Dumping the snow now just before 9pm.
  3. First flakes has started to fall just after 8pm on the southeast side of Dayton IMBY, and so it begins!
  4. Well NAM is even cooler, never goes above -2C for KDAY on the 18z GFS.
  5. For us in the Dayton to Newark I-70 line, I'm sensing an over performer, 12z and now 18z GFS does not have KDAY 850s going above 0 degrees!
  6. LMAO! Somebody in Indiana must be getting thunder snow, if not they're about to!
  7. Serious virga over the SW Ohio area now, hope it doesn't turn into Thunder Virga!
  8. 12z GFS for the first time doesn't have KDAY 850s going above 0 degrees! Its possible my season snow total could double by tmar morning (~9"), then most of it will be compressed or gone by evening!
  9. pics? Lol, not one flake on the south side of Dayton.
  10. I posted this in a thread somewhere in here a couple years ago, but can't find it, oh well here it goes again: 1. Either Jan of '67 or '68, NW corner of Athens Co, OH, we got 28" of heavy wet snow in 24hrs. When it got cold at night it froze the top 6" so hard you could walk in top of it, us kids carved out big chunks and made igloos. 2. Last week of Feb '80, again in the NW corner of Athens Co, OH, picked up 15" in five hours and it wasn't predicted (forecast was partly cloudy, chance of showers high of 38)! I got snowed in at my college studying for a test and I missed seeing as I was in my buddies dorm room, went to go home and my hand-me-down boat of a Chrysler New Yorker was a lump in the snow! 3. March '08 storm SE side of Dayton, OH, ended up with about 16" over two days. 4. Dec '04 storm, 12" in one day in Dayton no ice or sleet, 2ft of fell 1 county west of me and 31" in Liberty, IN (couple guys posted above) in that storm and 1.5" of ice 1 county SE! 5. Jan 96' tie with Jan '99, the '96 storm buried everyone in the Dayton are in all directions with a foot or more, I got about 6" IMBY for a major bust, buddy of mine's dad got 40" in Lucusville in Ross county). The '99 storm was a foot of snow with almost 2" of ice/sleet pilled on top that ruined it. PS - The Blizzard of '78 was a miss for SE Ohio at the time, warmed up with heavy rain over night, finished with wind blown fluff after the cold wave that day (we already had about 2ft of compressed glacier on the ground at the time from dozens of snows through that winter).
  11. First synoptic snow today IMBY since the first part of Dec I think! My daughter lives in Lebanon about 25 miles south of me has almost at half in down already.
  12. Only 6 posts so far for the entire month of Jan , (well now 7) First week of Feb, a foot and a half to two feet of eye candy for an I-71 Screamer! Lock it in!
  13. Yep pretty bad with Gulf coast states gets more snow in one storm than we've had all winter season! Parts of Spain which rarely gets snow got almost 2ft! https://wgntv.com/news/unusual-snow-kills-4-brings-much-of-spain-to-a-standstill/
  14. I noticed that as well, got to 43 IMBY on the SE side of Dayton, yesterday they were talking highs near 60 for SW Ohio. Line of heavy rain or maybe a storm has formed along I-75.
  15. Anyone in Eastern Indiana seeing a burst of heavy snow like the S Ill folks did?
  16. 6.5" IMBY so far, 4.25" in the first storm in Dec., we're planning on going to the Hocking Hills on Sat the 15th which is normally when they put on the annual winter hike, that's cancelled for this year, but the park will still be open (no bussing people back from Ash Cave to Old Man's Cave). Maybe cold and snow will hit by then.
  17. Merry Christmas all! Saw a report in Lancaster just under 8", my in-laws in Meigs Co got 5". Had a quarter of a skiff last night IMBY, must have evaporated as there's nothing left this morning. I'm still being punished for the Dec '04 storm, LOL, 16" IMBY that year, my boss got 2ft in Lewisburg ~35miles west of me, and a buddy of mine in Highland Co got 1.5" of FR in that storm (and I think the ice made it up to the Columbus area as well).
  18. Actually started snowing here on the SE Dayton about a half hour ago, sidewalks and roads covered already!
  19. Yes Merry Christmas to you as well! I got about 10 flakes that stuck on top of my truck, then nothing. I just checked some webcams and there is heavy snow now between Chillicothe and Jackson, looks like about 1" has stuck already.
  20. Geeze the NWS upped the totals along the Ohio river in Meigs county to 5 to 9" tonight! https://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lon=-81.76001066341996&lat=39.09773920153367
  21. This is really weird, in the Dayton area, next to nothing now for accums, but NWS calling for 4 to 6" in NE Meigs Co where my in-laws live! Must be one heck of a low (FORMING) and riding this front up the west side of the apps!
  22. Nothing accum'ed all day until it put down a half inch during the last half hour or so IMBY.
  23. A quarter of a skiff maybe IMBY.
  24. Just measured 1.75" on my truck, only maybe a little over an inch in the grass IMBY so far. Snow had let up for a couple hours, now picked back up at a steady light snow rate. Update: Ended with 3" on the truck, about 2" in the grass, ok for the first snow of the season. Update #2: Really tough to measure, but picked up a couple more inches overnight, close to 4" or a little more on the level in the grass.
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