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Everything posted by HighTechEE

  1. 06z GFS & NAM just a bit east of 00Z for Ohio peeps! Corrected the hour of the run.
  2. The 12z GFS today if the most goof balled up mess I think I've ever seen , gives Hocking county a foot of snow (or whatever frozen combination) and north Dayton a lousy 2 inches (and N Indiana/SW Mich 3 1/2 feet!)!
  3. 12Z GFS not as much snow, but near zero temps for several days including Christmas Eve & Day!
  4. I don't pay anything and it works fine for me?
  5. Its still there, just on a different link (put your location in and hit the Point Data tab): https://weather.meteostar.com/forecast?location=45305
  6. I would guess 3" fell today, but only about 1" total to measure, but still a very early 1" snow for SW Ohio!
  7. KDAY at 10am reporting heavy snow 1/16 mile visilbilty, virga has been over my house for 3+ hours now and finally the first light/wet flakes are being spit out. Moderate to heavy snow is all over Indiana, maybe there is still hope for an early season dusting in SW Ohio!
  8. Keeping with the thread title for southern Ohio, the Nov 1950 monster would be the ideal snow storm for me, 3ft fell in NW Athens county, almost 73 years later nothing has come close. Now to stray a little from the title, here would be and ideal Winter season for southern Ohio: Oct: A repeat of the Halloween storm of the early '90s where about 5" fell in the Dayton area Nov: 1950 Snow Bowl storm Dec: 2004 big one Dayton north and west, 12" IMBY up to 31" in Liberty, Ind. Jan: This is a tie, either Jan of '67 or '68, NW corner of Athens Co, OH, we got 28" of heavy wet snow in 24hrs or Jan of '78 when we got 3ft of snow the last 3 weeks of that month Feb: I think it was 2010 when SW Ohio had 2 double digit snow storms Mar: 2008 16" IMBY Apr: 1987 a 5" snow the 1st weekend of that month and a 9" one a week later in the Dayton area, and in NW Athens county where 18" fell in 24hrs w/12 straight hours of thunder snow May: I think it was '90 or '91 when we got 1" of snow on May 8th Adding all these up would be approaching 200" for one winter LOL! I think the average snowfall per winter has fell to around 24" in the Dayton area.
  9. There were multiple heave snows from central Texas thru all the N half of the LA, MS, AL, Georga Gulf Coast states all the way to NC, KY, TN, WVA, VA all winter long. Would have to see a snow total graphic for exact numbers, but there were at least three 1ft totals storms across this region, maybe more.
  10. Ended up at 12.5" for the whole '21-'22 season IMBY, 4" of that fell in one storm, while southern/Gulf coast states had 2ft almost 3ft in multiple big storms! This I think is the least total in the Dayton area since we had a couple 8" seasons back in the late 90s.
  11. LOL, a bunch of us are going to Logan for the weekend on Friday, 0z GFS had 14" right thru the middle of Hocking Co! 06z only 3". With a high of 60 Friday there, gonna have to be one h3ll of a cold wave to support any snow that night!
  12. I-70 special 16 days out: 06z GFS almost 2ft, lock it in, LOL
  13. Hey batter hey batter SWING and a big miss to the north, AGAIN (according to the early 12z's). Last Friday models had a half foot or more along I-70, didn't take much for that to vanish. Oh well I put my snow blower away, might use it again in a few years.
  14. For Thursday's system 12z GFS is about a 50 to 100 miles shift to the north from 06 & 00z runs, another all sleet (no snow) storm for Dayton, horrific ice storm near the Ohio river, N central Ohio almost a foot.
  15. 12z GFS has a half foot swath thru KDAY Thurs/Friday and nasty ice storm along the Ohio River.
  16. Never seen this before, Snow Sqaull Warining north of Dayton! https://www.weather.gov/iln/
  17. This storm doubled my single snow event total, from 2" to 4", and the season IMBY total from 5" to 9".
  18. Nice graphic, wish ILN had one like that! I'm just inside that southern most tip of the yellow spike on the Montgomery/Greene Co line, I got 1.5" of sleet with 4" of snow on top of that for a total of 5.5" deep.
  19. New single storm total record for me this winter, 2.25" of snow! smashes the 2.0" I got 2 weeks ago. Here's a couple pics of this joyous event: Just as the heavy snow started: And a view from our neighborhood entrance and the church with beacons pointing up across the street:
  20. Current radar is back building down around Evansville, they had no echos an hour ago!
  21. Just went out and measured on the south side of my house out of the wind, it was 3.25" on the average which means 1.5" was sleet on the bottom, 1.75" of new snow on top. This means we are 1/4" from tieing our largest snowfall of 2" for one storm (drum roll please) for the entire 2021/22 season!
  22. Heavy snow IMBY now, picked up a half inch since 4 o'clock, visibility about 1/4 mile or less! Looks like someone is shaking a giant tide box over the neighborhood!
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