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Everything posted by ChescoWx

  1. A few spots across the county saw some showers this AM with the most I could find being the 0.23" at Atglen. .07" fell in East Nantmeal. The NWS has posted a heat advisory for today through tomorrow. Most lower locations will reach the 90's today with only the higher spots possibly staying in the high 80's. Rain chances increase a bit by later tonight and tomorrow. Sunday and Monday look dry with temps likely to be well into the 80's to near 90 in spots. Chester County records for today: High 102 degrees at Sadsburyville (1919) / Low 47 degrees at Coatesville (1909) / Rain 2.95" at Coatesville (1965)
  2. A few spots across the county saw some showers this AM with the most I could find being the 0.23" at Atglen. .07" fell in East Nantmeal. The NWS has posted a heat advisory for today through tomorrow. Most lower locations will reach the 90's today with only the higher spots possibly staying in the high 80's. Rain chances increase a bit by later tonight and tomorrow. Sunday and Monday look dry with temps likely to be well into the 80's to near 90 in spots. Chester County records for today: High 102 degrees at Sadsburyville (1919) / Low 47 degrees at Coatesville (1909) / Rain 2.95" at Coatesville (1965)
  3. We have much better station coverage and representation today and going forward across Chester County than we have ever had in the past. That said the old stations are well represented with some stations within a couple NM and at the same elevation (West Chester / Devault). There is a great mix of lower and higher elevation sites. By analyzing this data we actually can and are getting more accurate data.
  4. Even if you choose to use the post hoc adjusted temps....the temperature trends in my one little county here in the US remain very far from alarming or concerning at all....that is the facts. No doomsday trend lines here!
  5. "coffin" huh....you must be a great conversationalist at parties!!
  6. Wow!! Okay I am good to play along with this....so what models that you believe are showing you civilization collapsing?? You are probably part of the group that is convincing young folks today to avoid having children as the future is so bleak....scary indeed!!
  7. Why alarmists and doomers are losing the battle of trying so darn hard to convince folks that our current cyclical climate change is so incredibly alarming: Alarmists will state that “Weather ≠ climate. One colder than normal week or a snowy than normal season is of course not evidence against the overall long-term trend. Cold extremes can still occur in a warming world.” If we show a stat that is only analyzing the US or cough cough Chester County PA we will of course hear “Well you do know that the US covers less than 2% of global surface area. So, your point is ridiculous. Global stats are all that matters. You the "climate denier" are clearly engaging in cherry-picking of data to fit your narrative.” But then we just look at our current weather this week which is as we all agree is NOT Climate! , Yet our friends the climate alarmists are blaming Hurricane Beryl and the "unprecedented" SW US heatwave on man's carbon transgressions: Don't you know Paul that “Hurricane Beryl is being fueled by climate related record high sea surface temperatures, which is the result of man's burning of carbons??" But wait my alarmist friends , I thought you tell us that “weather ≠ climate”? Doesn't that still apply here? Or, does it only apply when the weather frustratingly doesn't fit your simple narrative? The truth is that of course the alarmists and doomers can't have it both ways no matter how they may try and twist the actual facts vs. what they are feeling.
  8. Below is the average July temperatures by decade for complete decades in Chester County since 1900. The actual averages are in blue and in red you can see the machine adjusted NOAA/NCEI revised averages. These adjusted averages as we have noted before are continuing with their consistent chilling of older decades and now the warming of our most recent decades. Of note in just the last 3 years 2020-2023 they have already adjusted the July average temperature up by 0.7 degrees for this decade of the 2020's...this includes the massive 1.1 degree warming they applied to July 2022.
  9. Below is the average July temperatures by decade for complete decades in Chester County since 1900. The actual averages are in blue and in red you can see the machine adjusted NOAA/NCEI revised averages. These adjusted averages as we have noted before are continuing with their consistent chilling of older decades and now the warming of our most recent decades. Of note in just the last 3 years 2020-2023 they have already adjusted the July average temperature up by 0.7 degrees for this decade of the 2020's...this includes the massive 1.1 degree warming they applied to July 2022.
  10. You sound scared.....and I would have to put you in the above defined "doomer" category. You sound kind of similar to a certain climate activist....
  11. That should not be a state record with such an obvious error. Just to add other stations bolded to the above post: July…1966 Philadelphia…104° Phoenixville…104° West Chester 105 July….1936 Philadelphia……104° West Chester 105 Coatesville 104 Phoenixville…....111° July….2010 Philadelphia….103° Phoenixville…..103° West Chester 102 Glenmoore 101 July……1995 Philadelphia…..103° Phoenixville…..100° Chadds Ford / Devault / West Chester 100 July……1930 Philadelphia…..103° West Grove 103 Coatesville 102 Phoenixville…..106° July…..1988 Philadelphia……102° Morgantown/ Honey Brook / West Chester 101 Phoenixville……99° July…..1954 Philadelphia….102° Coatesville 100 Phoenixville…..104° July…….1917 Philadelphia…..101° Coatesville 101 Sadsburyville 100 Phoenixville……99°
  12. What makes an alarmist or doomer are the folks who continually state that "the climate crisis is an existential threat to the world" They will then usually conflate weather events with climate change and tout these events as "driven or fueled by climate change" "unprecedented heat or floods" but of course when we look back at climate history we find few events have been unprecedented during our current warmer cycle. If our climate warms by 2 more degrees over the next 100 years the earth will handle it.....just as it has always effectively and efficiently handled the past warm and cold cycles.
  13. Happy Independence Day! The first 3 days of July have been the chilliest start to July since back in 2010. That will change today as temps rise back above normal with highs well into the 80's with a 90 degree reading possible in lower spots of the County. Rain chances increase this evening and we will see off and on shots at rain through late day on Saturday. Not a total wash out though. Chester County records for the 4th of July 105 degrees at West Chester (1966) / Low 42 degrees at Phoenixville (1986) / Rain 3.70" at Honey Brook (1973)
  14. Happy Independence Day! The first 3 days of July have been the chilliest start to July since back in 2010. That will change today as temps rise back above normal with highs well into the 80's with a 90 degree reading possible in lower spots of the County. Rain chances increase this evening and we will see off and on shots at rain through late day on Saturday. Not a total wash out though. Chester County records for the 4th of July 105 degrees at West Chester (1966) / Low 42 degrees at Phoenixville (1986) / Rain 3.70" at Honey Brook (1973)
  15. Most spots in the county for the 3rd straight morning reached the 50's for low temperatures. This already exceeds the amount of sub 60 degree lows we recorded last July. Out temps begin to warm through the rest of the week. Shower chances increase and just might interfere with some firework plans tomorrow evening. The best chances of rain are tomorrow night and again on Saturday. Daily Chester County records for today: High 104 degrees at Phoenixville (1966) - of note 8 of the 9 stations at the time exceeded the century mark on that day - only West Grove at 98 degrees stayed "cooler" / Low 45 degrees also at Phoenixville (1957)/ Rain 3.19" Coatesville (1978)
  16. Most spots in the county for the 3rd straight morning reached the 50's for low temperatures. This already exceeds the amount of sub 60 degree lows we recorded last July. Out temps begin to warm through the rest of the week. Shower chances increase and just might interfere with some firework plans tomorrow evening. The best chances of rain are tomorrow night and again on Saturday. Daily Chester County records for today: High 104 degrees at Phoenixville (1966) - of note 8 of the 9 stations at the time exceeded the century mark on that day - only West Grove at 98 degrees stayed "cooler" / Low 45 degrees also at Phoenixville (1957)/ Rain 3.19" Coatesville (1978)
  17. I suspect the problem with the forum is what is always the right answer....climate change did it!!! It is so so scary the almighty power it has!!! LOL!!!!
  18. Credit and reference to Chris Martz for his 10 questions for the many climate doomers in this forum: Can you answer all of them?? ➊ To the nearest tenth of a degree Celsius, what is the “correct” global mean surface temperature (GMST)? ➋ What does a “perfect” climate look like? If so, when did we have one and what was it like? Usually, activists will say “pre-industrial.” But, why? ➌ What is the “correct” amount of bad weather? How many tropical cyclones, tornadoes, thunderstorms, hailstorms, droughts, floods, heatwaves, cold waves and wildfires should there be per year globally? Please provide exact numbers and then explain why. ➍ Why do you think temperature departures from the 1850 climatic baseline mean is the sole metric which determines human welfare? Why would the climate of the Little Ice Age be preferable than today's climate? What was better about the climate in 1850 than that of 2024? Is today's climate too dangerous? If so, why? Provide data and evidence to support your reasoning. ➎ What is the “correct” atmospheric carbon dioxide level? What dry-air volume or a range of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations would be optimal for plant growth? Show me data and explain why. ➏ The Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) was popularized as the biggest piece of climate legislation in history. But, since it was signed into law, climate activists say climate change has only gotten worse. Why? ➐ Trillions of taxpayer dollars have been spent on so-called “climate action” over the past 35-years. When will that give us that perfect climate, and when it does how will we know? What measure? ➑ If the U.S. spends hundreds of trillions of dollars to decarbonize our economy to achieve “net zero” by the year 2050, then how much will it reduce GMST by the year 2100, assuming the climate models are accurate? Please round your answer to the nearest tenth of a degree Celsius and show your math! ➒ If you can't provide me with an answer to question eight, then here's my follow-up: If you don't know how much net zero emissions in the U.S. would reduce GMST by 2100, are we supposed to just spend all that money and see what happens? ➊⓿ Why do efforts to mitigate exclusively center on reducing carbon emissions, and ignore more effective strategies such as building weather-resilient infrastructure and enforcing stricter zoning codes? Nobody has ever answered these questions, at least not in a clear and concise manner.
  19. grasping at straws....no proof just assumptions without data
  20. What about Coatesville's obs time in July of 1934 at 8am and 8pm?
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