Here in Chester County PA this winter (DJF) ranks as the 7th warmest since record keeping began in 1894. However, this winter was actually the 3rd coldest winter in the last 5 seasons! LOL! While this season was warm at an average temperature of 37.1 with normal at 31.3 (+5.8) it was still well below the warmest winter experienced way back in 1931-32 with an average temp of 39.5. Below are the top 7 warmest winters.
1. 1931-32 (39.5)
2. 1997-98 (38.1)
3. 2015-16 (37.8)
4. 2001-02 (37.5)
5. 1982-83 (37.4)
6. 2016-17 (37.3)
7. 2019-20 (37.1)