Not that any one location either supports or refutes climate change (IMO... of course climate it is always changing - but it's just cyclical)
However, If summer (June-July-Aug) ended today here in the leafy Western burbs of Philadelphia (35 miles west of PHL airport) our current summer average temperature of 73.8 degrees would represent our warmest summer in the philly burbs outside of the PHL Airport heat island since 2002 and 16th warmest since records began here in Chester County in 1894. I use the NWS Coop data set and my data which represents continuous daily data since January 1st , 1894. Of note there is some relative elevation differences that may account for some of the differences with Chester County data being observed at over 650ft ASL while PHL Airport lies near sea level on the Delaware River. The top 2 hottest summers? way back in 1900 & 1901. I also did some data analysis (see below) comparing the average suburban temperatures by decade outside of the PHL airport heat island impact to the official PHL readings. I only had PHL decade data for the last 70 years (7 decades)
As you can see there has not been much warming in fact a clear warmer cycle in the early part of the 20th century followed starting with the 1940's with 4 straight decades with declining temps and now the last 4 decades starting with the 1980's showing warming....but nowhere near like the PHL heat island is indicating - in fact the 1990's were exactly the same as the 1st decade of the 20th century. While the 2010's were the warmest decade it was only by 0.3 degrees. It is interesting to note the much sharper and consistent rise at the PHL airport.