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Everything posted by mikes923

  1. Shoot, a little late but here’s mine 39.267082,-76.822929 Thanks for throwing this together
  2. That’s some pretty epic sleet. Stuff could take an eye out. Piling up quickly too
  3. Nothing but light sleet in Ellicott city since the start. Somewhere under a half inch 25/24
  4. Flipped over to snow in Ellicott city in the last 5 mintues or so. Fine flakes
  5. Same here. Nervously watching the edge of precip moving through Bmore county right now. I think that might be our switchover
  6. Approaching 3” in Ellicott City. The rates and flake size under this yellow/orange band are insane!!
  7. 29/27 in Ellicott City Moderate to heavy snow for the last 20-25 minutes. Approaching 1”
  8. Oh, I’ll bet that was a good spot!! Howard county seems to have a decent amount of varying elevation. Folks down off Main St. or near Oella won’t fair nearly as well as those out off 108, Folly quarter, glen elg area etc. I’m hoping you’re right though. I’ll be happy with anything more than a few inches and some moderate/heavy snow falling
  9. 4 measurements in the same general area, seems like 10.5-11.5 is a good call around here Just outside of Main st. Ellicott City
  10. Steady moderate snow for the last 30-45 minutes in Ellicott City. Big flakes, roads covered again quickly
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