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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. Folks in the midwest reporting strong naked-eye auroras, even through the moonlight... I'd almost certainly have at least imageable lights if not for the dense overcast over my northern horizon.
  2. Did anybody get anything? It looked pretty decent in pics from MWN but that's not hard to do...
  3. A little interesting for tonight. Solar wind velocities have been generally increasing all day, and while nothing special, it's worth keeping an eye on.
  4. No great loss... looks like we mostly miss anyway.
  5. We'd be pretty well humped in the event of an 1859-esque storm, as far as I know. "$1 trillion to $2 trillion during the first year [...] with recovery times of 4 to 10 years, plus $40-$70 billion in losses to satellites, and that's before you even start to consider the "hundreds of Fukushimas" melting down. Sure would be pretty though.
  6. Meh. The lack of light pollution would be sweet initially, but after the third week of not being able to upload the pictures, it might start tipping the scales toward 'no thanks'.
  7. (source) The WSA-Enlil ensemble model (I think that's what this is) looks decent, though given our track record with progged direct hits, I never put too much faith in glancing blows. Albany has granted me a "partly cloudy" on Friday night, so maybe there's a chance.
  8. Lights cancel tonight. Gonna try for some Milky Way shots as long as I have my batteries charged.
  9. How do these things always manage to hit in the late morning/early afternoon? It's even more uncanny than the weekend snowstorm rule. Ah well, doesn't look that great anyway.
  10. Great shot eyewall, look forward to seeing some more. Clouded out here, and what I saw was nothing compared to the upper midwest and NNE, but I couldn't be happier even if I were Jim Cantore in the thundersnow. Full-halo CME this afternoon from the same active region, so maybe we can thread the needle on Wednesday night before the endless cloudiness commences.
  11. That was amazing just now. Unlike anything I've seen down here. Huge naked eye pillars dancing around.
  12. Particle density got mighty jumpy over the past few minutes. Would those spikes be enough for substorming or not really?
  13. Man, camera sensor noise is just abominable in this heat/humidity.
  14. Naked eye achieved for a couple minutes, first time in years. Not a bust.
  15. Green horizon, pink pillars... all on camera of course.
  16. I'll take my chances with a 725 km/s solar wind and -20 Bz any day of the week. It takes forever and a half to get dark this time of year. Reason #476 why winter is better than summer.
  17. Unobstructed view to the north needed unless something crazy happens. Some of the Wing Kp model forecasts this afternoon had me entertaining the thought of coronas in NNE, but that ship has sailed I think.
  18. Well, that deescalated quickly. The Ovation model still looks impressive despite the putrid IMF, so maybe it's not entirely a lost cause?
  19. Well the solar wind is certainly primed. Things are heating up a couple hours later than in recent storming events, so maybe the Bz component won't give us as much grief this evening.
  20. Wow, that's freaking sweet. What I wouldn't give to experience something like that. I need to move north.
  21. Noctilucents clouds > aurora? https://twitter.com/NWSSeattle/status/608232353488502785
  22. Looks quite good to me. I would no doubt be out with my camera if not for the dense overcast.
  23. That's why the surprise events are the best... the clouds don't have time to conspire against us.
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