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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. Sounds like an early Capricornid. Handful of bright fireballs per night in the waning days of July into early August.
  2. They're usually pretty close to each other... I think that's the biggest difference I've seen so far in the 7 months I've had the Ambient. I don't have the hard data to make any concrete statements, but it *seems* like duration has a bigger impact on precision than intensity with my setup. Like if it rains all day and night, the discrepancy between the two gauges is more significant than during just a quick-hitting deluge. Could just be making stuff up though
  3. Stratus: 1.95" Tipper: 2.32" Not the most impressive showing by the Ambient.
  4. Yeah, today was great. Essentially hit the reset button for the balance of the summer. 1.80" here with more on the way.
  5. I'm a bit too far north for the heavy convection you guys have been seeing, but still a good dousing. Radar looks juicy region-wide, rainy evening in store and potentially dangerous in spots.
  6. Yeah, sultry mins but meh highs. Such is life when we do the dew. The latest HRRR says most of us erase our monthly precip deficit in the next 18 hours. How nice would that be.
  7. Epic summer night out there. So comfortable. A local hiking guide I know was talking about how, even in the worst heat waves for upstate NY/WNE, you really only suffer for 8 hours of peak heating out of 24. I would extend that a little bit but if you can stay up until 9 or 10 pm, it really does get pretty nice.
  8. Looks like 98.1F will be my high today and for this heatwave. 100 would have been easy if not for the clouds around this morning.
  9. I still haven't picked a tomato yet. Latest I can ever remember down here
  10. Actually, now that I have a chance to review the day's stats a little closer, it looks like dews did reach 78-79 at the real stations up this way. Maybe I was too quick to dismiss 80 imby. Like you said though, the HI still seemed inflated
  11. 95/80 for a heat index of 116, though I have no delusions about the final two values being particularly close to reality. Fun to look at in any event.
  12. This time of year, about six hours per week. Granted, in another few weeks when the novelty dies down for friends and neighbors, I'll inevitably get lazy and start ignoring it for longer periods.
  13. In-ground pool maintenance to enjoyment ratio has to be like 20:1. One cleaning session (skim, vacuum, water test, clear skimmers/pump basket, backwash filter) can last longer than a whole season's cumulative swimming time.
  14. I like the 93/82F at a CWOP near exit 5, for a heat index of 116.
  15. In the 2010s, you always take the over on heat in July. 89/77/102F here. I think KPOU makes a run at 100 on Sunday when DPs are a touch lower, and the wind turns a little north of west. It's hard to imagine we don't get close with 21-22C 850s and a downslope flow.
  16. This to me is the loudest alarm bell for CC. If it gets hot, you can usually cherry-pick a comparable day in like 1893 that was only a degree or two cooler. But we're just consistently breaking PWAT and surface Td records, in all months and seasons, seemingly every time the low-level flow turns SW.
  17. Up to 0.04" on the day so far. Almost there!!
  18. My summer squash are at the stage now where I need to harvest twice a day. Picked 15 this morning that were just pollinated 24 hours prior, and were already a little bigger than I like
  19. About an hour ago it was right up there with the most active nights back in late June in my area. I went out to take some more photos of the fireflies, but the SW wind has since picked up and sent them into hiding.
  20. I feel like framing cold and dreary as the only alternative to >100F heat indices is something of a false dichotomy...
  21. My station saw a late-afternoon push to 93/72F. First HI over 100 this season.
  22. Seems I picked just a stellar week to order and spread 5 tons of crushed stone
  23. Speaking only to the heebie-jeebies factor, flying insects are generally OK by me except when you start getting to the super large moths that dive-bomb you at night. Crawling bugs and arachnids for the most part can go to blazes.
  24. As far as I'm aware, they have few natural predators. There are some obscure species of flies and bigger beetles that will eat them, but those are hard to introduce and keep around. Most home gardens are ridiculously unsustainable, sadly.
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