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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. Another factor conspiring against foliage photography is that most applications use small color spaces which leave out a lot of the dark oranges and reds. ProPhoto RGB is pretty good, but not many people are shooting RAW and then fiddling with color space during export, and even fewer people have devices that can display anywhere close to that range. Even in 2019 it's hard to beat a properly exposed print from color negative film for foliage scenes.
  2. Gusty out of the SSE already. Leaves coming down in sheets... RIP foliage season (October 11 – October 16, 2019).
  3. 34F for my low. Fun to see 30s in this mild autumn, though the lakes are cooling down enough to the point where they don't look like smoke machines on seasonably brisk mornings.
  4. All good! Just a mix of busy periods IRL and not having much to say concerning the weather. You make a good point about seeing things a little differently after that experience of yours. I'm definitely critical as a rule, but I still try to appreciate what I'm given. Like making a point to enjoy whatever snow I see in a torched winter, or finding that one colorful tree amid a sea of beige. Having said that, foliage is definitely improving throughout my neighborhood in the last couple days. I sent the drone up this evening to take a peek. If the wind stays down, it'll be a nice show. Still lots of green by the river.
  5. Foliage in my area is dull, no bones about it. The Hudson Highlands are absolutely terrible after the oaks all went brown at once, long before any other trees had a chance to inject some real color into the mix. Catskills and NW hills are fine. Gunks always run late, so TBD. Also, hi guys!
  6. Soupy mess out there today. I definitely need to mow but I also like not being on the brink of heatstroke, so we'll see how far I get on that today. Should be blissful with dews in the 50s and a stiff north breeze when I head up to the fair tomorrow.
  7. Yeah, that's a good observation. I'm a little south of there (just down the street from the deadly plane crash last week, if you read about it), but it's the same story throughout northern Dutchess. Makes me very curious about local variations in foliage color this fall between wet areas and those that have gotten skunked.
  8. Meanwhile, nearly 5" here since Saturday. That can only mean congrats south of 84 this winter.
  9. The storms here have been accompanied by frequent lightning flashes this weekend, but almost no clearly visible bolts. I assume IC lightning is favored vs. CG with marginal lapse rates. Or maybe you just don't see them with the high dews/low LCLs?
  10. These ultra-high PWAT, marginal-instability storm setups are starting to become repetitive. Third day in a row with torrential rain but otherwise mild storms. I'm already over 1" from tonight's line of convection, building on the ~1.5" I received yesterday.
  11. I'd really appreciate that, thanks! It would be great to get properly informed before I decide how to move forward with it. At some point, the second-hand anecdotes reach a limit in their usefulness... Pretty crazy photo of the flooding down there. NC 12 must spend more time underwater than any other highway in the world. It's incredible.
  12. In my case you can see the whole thing from the road
  13. I've inquired with a few people, and the consensus has been that when waterways are involved (as opposed to closed bodies of water on your own property), it's a long and expensive process to get DEC approval/oversight. I haven't gotten anything like an official quote, but as best I can tell the whole project would be on the order of six figures. The pond definitely adds value to the property, but I doubt I'd recoup a hundred stacks or more come selling time.
  14. My pond is in bad shape this year, but the current weather has little to do with it. The inflow stream got all messed up in the October '05 flooding, and it's been depositing silt into the pond ever since. Then the Tax Day flood started the dam breaking up, with that process nearing its completion. Sad to see after being a thriving fishing hole for at least a century.
  15. Ponds grow algae in the summer, lakes stay clear.
  16. Patio heaters on for the second night in a row. It's coming.
  17. Congrats Rob and best wishes! I understand our friend @chietanen is also being wed tomorrow. Weather folks sure know how to pick a date.
  18. It's fun hearing how rapidly the narrative shifted to "summer's almost over, better savor it" at some point over the last week. Just like a switch. On a related note, upper 40s are a possibility for some on Sunday morning. Epic yardwork day if you don't mind drowning in dew.
  19. The upper HV always does "well" in these setups. Get your HP EF1s here.
  20. I'm at almost 1.5" for the weekend. The uptick in moisture lately kicked my lawn back into gear, so naturally my mower was out of commission until today. Heavy heavy clumping tomorrow.
  21. I've been acclimated to the humidity for a while, but my patience for it is starting to wear thin. Whereas a few weeks ago I would have powered through this stuff to keep my landscaping projects on track, now I'm happy just sitting in the AC and getting work done on the computer. It happens in the winter too... by the end of Feb I'll be "used to" the biting cold, just thoroughly sick of it. I've thought for a long time that the world would be a better place if we cycled through the seasons about 33% faster. Hopefully that dying MCV over the Catskills doesn't hamper instability in its environment for storms later.
  22. 68F in the village after a brief but intense downpour, 92F here 4 miles SSW.
  23. The top of that cell near BDL is sexy from the hills around here. Looking fierce in the sunset light
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