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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. Hah. That would be the control. My backyard mesonet is still in the rollout stages...
  2. Yeah bx, what a dumb question. I happen to have multiple degrees in microeconomics and find your idea preposterous. Frankly I'm offended that you failed to even consider the abysmal ROI and profit margins of a so-called "piano bar" before soliciting recommendations for one. Such an establishment is doomed to fail at best, and at worst symptomatic of the growing disconnect between consumer expectations and practical business concepts. In this essay I will attempt to expla
  3. Well it's really ripping catpaws now. You love to see it.
  4. Here's hoping. I would still assume everyone here sees 'em for a few moments as precip shuts off. Getting a little slushy here on car tops and the like
  5. 34.7F and the first mangled snowflakes are making it to eye-level. Happy winter to all!
  6. Seems like a slushy coating is a real possibility tomorrow evening. I would be surprised if we didn't see our first flakes, at the very least. Unrelated, but since everyone on twitter has been talking about Peter Sinks again, it got me wondering about my yard. I stuck two digital thermometers at the high (619 ft) and low (564 ft) points of the property, so I'll be very interested to see how big of a difference there is on the best radiational cooling nights. Even this early in the evening it's 3F cooler at the bottom of the hill than on the top.
  7. My lawn is happily growing away. This morning I completed my third "final" mow so far...
  8. Saturday morning is going to be wickedly cold for this time of year. The Euro would suggest single digits in the sheltered valleys.
  9. I think I speak for all of us when I say, get that first week of November snow away from us by any and all means
  10. Winds are absolutely bonkers here. It's funny how winds almost always seem to defy expectations in both directions.
  11. I always forget that ToT is a real thing folks do. Been at least 20 years since I've had anyone come around.
  12. That really came out of nowhere for the period thru Wednesday. I wouldn't be surprised to see some steadier showers (vs. the "patchy drizzle" point forecast) if the inverted surface reflection sharpens up a little, like the RGEM and hi-res NAM illustrate. Either way, really rotten. Looking at satellite there does appear to be hope that the clearing line will make its way here before sunset. If so, would probably be our last glimpse of sunshine until late Friday afternoon. My brother just moved out to Denver for work recently and is already seeing his third snowfall of the season. 4-8" more Wednesday with temps in the teens... envy abounds
  13. Agreed on all counts. A lot of folks are sure they have the answer, usually something about a wet summer followed by cool nights in September. Like you say, it's probably impossible to account for all the variables. Cloudcover is a big one and it isn't always perfectly matched to precip anomalies, so it gets overlooked. Even things like rainfall chemistry and atmospheric pollutants affect plant behavior, so it stands to reason they probably impact leaf color in the fall. Then there's the subjective aspect. If the weather's nice and you're healthy, spending a lot of time outdoors and just generally enjoying yourself, that's when the leaves look their nicest, regardless of whether they're a couple shades less vivid than they could be.
  14. Almost exactly the same here. We appear to be in for another soaking rainfall on Sunday. In the meantime, pretty epic outside right now. Mostly, yeah. There are a few applications where LEDs are advantageous, like elements furthest from the road that need to be brighter. Otherwise I just personally prefer the warmer tones of incandescent light, especially with larger format bulbs like C7 and C9... warm-white LED mini lights are getting pretty close to that classic look. I do feel badly about using 5-8x more energy than is strictly necessary with current alternatives, but I can't get crazy about it. Just be mindful and try to make good choices elsewhere, etc.
  15. Light display installation is in full swing here. I'm hoping to surpass 100k lights this year for the first time. It'll be tricky since I still use incandescent bulbs almost exclusively, and even last year I had to get creative to keep breakers from tripping. I did upgrade a few 15 amp circuits to 20s in the off-season, which makes a pretty big difference in my experience,
  16. There have been so many monotonous CoC days this fall that I don't mind the weather actually doing something. It's gusty and dark and finally feels like the cool season is here. Foliage is taking a hit, though not as badly as I expected.
  17. I think being closer to the low probably had more of an effect than terrain enhancement. Precip rates were pretty bonkers near and east of the river while the system was bombing out... I even had a flash of lightning
  18. What's everybody's pressure looking like? My station says 988 mb, which seems a little low but would certainly be impressive if true. Fascinating dynamics showing up on radar.
  19. HRRR says the back edge clears the Thruway by midnight. Another powerful system that zips right along, keeping effects in check.
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