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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. Was the topic description just changed or did I simply miss it until now? Amusing, regardless
  2. That does sound heavenly. Hopefully it came across that I was mostly being facetious... I love my snow, and favorable climo will definitely play a role when choosing my next spot, but I'm not totally psychotic. Would really love to do some scouting this year if the border opens up.
  3. Hah. When I move I'm gonna be extra careful not to buy another place on a south-facing hillside.
  4. Down to about 1/2 coverage at 36F. It would be nice to keep snow around longer than 12 hours in freaking January.
  5. Nice little event. 2.9" total here after a bit more overnight with the upper low pulling through.
  6. Not expecting much more here as the radar presentation continues to implode. There isn't much hope of the mashed potatoes staying put until sunrise sadly.
  7. 2.2" currently with some flurries. Too bad precip isn't more uniform with this system. Snow growth has been really good at times.
  8. You can walk right into MA from Dutchess on the South Taconic Trail. We even have a slice of the NY-MA-CT tri-point marker in the col between Brace and Frissell.
  9. Now 32.2F. A few remaining isolated slick patches underfoot, otherwise no problems. (While I have no delusions that my PWS is sensitive or precise enough to reliably track temperature to tenths of a degree, the jump above 32 did seem to correspond to the end of ice accretion.)
  10. Really lousy wx tonight, doesn't get much worse. I was looking through old pics from this week in previous years and there was almost always at least some ice on the river. On 1/1/18 I was able to walk to Goose Island up in Red Hook, a couple hundred yards from the shore. Even the small lakes are mostly or completely open this year, which you wouldn't expect from the rather modest warm anomalies compared to some recent Decembers. At least it should look wintry again by Monday morning.
  11. 31.5F with steady light rain in central Dutchess. A very tenuous glaze on elevated surfaces, but water is mostly running off.
  12. Worse than that, they're tantamount to sacrilege. Snow should be shaped into tidy piles with all due reverence, not mutilated and strewn back into the wind.
  13. That's a potent system there. Warm, though, even far up the Hudson Valley. Also worth noting that the total snowfall map includes accumulations from Saturday's event north of I-90 or so.
  14. I haven't been to Tivoli in forever. It's in this weird spatial anomaly up there that defies logic and reason. How can something 20 minutes north of Rhinebeck still be in Dutchess County? Does anyone live there? Is that a hobo or just a Bard student? So many questions.
  15. That LE streamer to my north is fading fast. Maybe I'll see some flakes still.
  16. I'd love to keep prepping gardens and installing fences in thawed ground right through the winter, but I'd also love to go skating and ice fishing. Let me know what you guys decide on so I can proceed accordingly, TIA.
  17. I dunno, man. Judah Cohen seems excited about the SSW, and when did he ever lead us astray?
  18. Just missed the death band by a handful of miles and ended up with around 9". Getting stranded at the verge of greatness irritates me more than the clean misses like Jan 15/Jan 16. Synoptically and wind-ically, that was a really special system and it may be a very long time before something rises to that level again.
  19. 10 years of hating Boxing Day, where does the time go?
  20. Power didn't stay out too long, despite Isaias flashbacks. Maybe 4-5 hours? It's graupling here but if you squint really hard and believe in the magic of the season, it looks like beautiful dendrites.
  21. Lol, it can't even handle my indoor tree when the necessities are running.
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