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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. I finally tallied my running total for the season, 34.9" so far. 4.7" more gets me to double last season's total. Doubt that happens tomorrow, but certainly doable by week's end.
  2. The flow across the country is absolutely screaming this week. Nickles and dimes.
  3. We all know you'd easily have 3" if not for your puritanical measuring practices. What is it, once every 72 hours?
  4. Honestly, I'm most disappointed about the arctic blast trending shorter and weaker. Was looking forward to some honest-to-goodness cold.
  5. I guess this hearkens back to the perennial debate about what constitutes a bust. We knew this was a light storm with most forecasts hovering around 2-4", and Albany's 90th-percentile totals below 1". IMO a true bust has to transcend categories of significance... like, you prepare for a major event and get a minor one. Going from minor to even more minor might just be a standard under-performer. In other words, it's not a true bust unless it's from the Büst region of France, otherwise it's just sparkling disappointment.
  6. Yeah, not the best showing over the interior, 0.7" here. The gap between the nor'easter and incoming trough never filled in like I expected. I think we're at the point in the winter where 40 and sunny would be preferable to a sisyphean inch of snow over the course of 8 hours.
  7. I think 3" is a safe bet for most of us tomorrow. The northern stream shortwave is doing most of the heavy lifting around here, so we don't necessarily the coastal low's forcing, just its moisture. Anyone who does manage to find a mesoscale band enhanced by the CCB could pick up 5".
  8. Don't exaggerate. We've only been tracking this storm for a few days. 24/14F here, though the rate of cooling has leveled off quite a bit with the high clouds streaming in.
  9. By and large, most people seem to be back in normal socializing mode. I was invited out by a couple different groups tonight. I think you can guess my feelings on that without too much trouble so I won't get into it, but Saturday night is alive and well.
  10. I only ever had 0.2" on the board, despite snowing for quite a while this morning. Snow depth continues to rapidly shrink and is now down to 8".
  11. Awful news. I don't believe we've directly interacted much, but I certainly remember reading his posts. Thank you for keeping us in the loop.
  12. The Hudson Valley convergence zone is starting to act up as winds finally turn NNW. Steady light snow here to freshen up the freshening of the first freshening of the pack.
  13. My lucky snow shovel from childhood broke today. Goodnight, sweet prince.
  14. What was your depth before the storm started?
  15. It really is honest-to-goodness days and days of snow. Another 1.1" of fluff for what I think should be pretty close to the final total of 16.8", though it's still snowing, so who knows
  16. Same here. I'm glad for it, honestly. It looks a lot prettier and it makes measuring much more reliable.
  17. I had no power all morning. That was annoying. Got another 1.8" overnight which brought me up to 15.7" using 24-hour measurements. New depth had slumped back down to 12.9". Someone in East Fishkill called in a 25.6" storm total... wonder how many times he had to measure to come up with that.
  18. Some of those totals are insane. What a storm... it joins the ranks of the all-time greats for many folks in here. My 24-hour measurement is 13.9" new. Might land exactly on my final call of 14.5" from last night!
  19. I'm starting to get bored – I've gained a little under an inch in the last three hours. 12.5" for the storm so far.
  20. Flake size is still pretty good up here although it naturally varies a bit during the course of a storm. I suspect that the closer you get to the mid-level dryslot, the more riming you have to contend with - that's how you end up with flakes that hit the ground looking more like grauple than conventional snow.
  21. The dryslot over the island is getting beaten back and filled in, you love to see it. In a bit of a lull now while we wait for the next band. 11.5" new, 27/26F
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