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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. I actually couldn't find any natural depths (not plowed or in obvious drifts) over 6" as of this morning. This is the best one I got... forgive the lights still on the tree in the background.
  2. You got me. After posting here for 13 years, putting my PWS on the Wunderground network for all to verify my current obs, sharing hundreds of photos and videos of my yard, making friends with many of the other users on Facebook, Twitter, and in real life... this was my end game. To lie about whether my exposed, south-facing property has patches of bare ground in some spots and 8" of snow in others, rather than a consistent 8", in late-February. These suckers would have fallen for it too if it weren't for your detective work. All that effort gone to waste.
  3. Yessir, there's a point where the pack has done all the compressing it's going to do and the rate of depth decrease really levels off. There are parts of the region that will have some snow on the ground pretty much indefinitely, until we get badly warm sectored for the first time.
  4. I think my latitude has been more of a handicap than longitude this month, as I know @gravitylover is running ahead of me as well. It's not really a huge discrepancy though... I'm at 46.0" for the season and 29.0" for February. The drifting from the Feb 2nd storm still haunts the landscape as some patches of bare ground are opening up, while 8" or so remains in favored spots.
  5. This stretch illustrates why I don't personally subscribe to the school of thought which holds that sleet and ZR are actually good since they "bulletproof" the pack. One mild day and the whole thing is ripe, regardless of how it originally fell. With the sun and wind today, my snow may not make it until noon...
  6. I agree, but on the other hand, it's tricky for me to imagine how masks get fully phased out in the next 10 months. I mean, there almost certainly isn't going to be an "all clear" from the federal government in 2021, right? Even from the start I figured mask requirements would ease over time in small increments. Maybe I'm underestimating how fast things are improving.
  7. Wasn't there a bit of drama surrounding a LI thread several years ago?
  8. Up to 38F already. It's a shame as radar looks healthier than I expected.
  9. The lack of any real cold is a demerit against this month for me. My ~27" is a nice monthly total, assuming this is the last event for a while, but not as memorable compared to you guys to my south approaching twice that amount.
  10. Couple new inches down, but with the temp creeping up to 33F, it's getting harder to make much progress on surfaces that aren't existing snow (which, thankfully, are few). Need just a smidgen of dynamic cooling to finish off strong.
  11. Roads going downhill rapidly around town. NY 55 is completely blocked east of the TSP, so presumably accidents are already happening.
  12. Same here, came in like a wall. I'm not sure snow growth is particularly good (yet?), but it's falling in big old aggregates from the low-level warmth. Looks pretty.
  13. The 12z NAM is juicy. Somebody could get a sneaky 5" I think. 34/22F As a side note, if y'all could just post once in a while so it doesn't look like I'm talking to myself, that'd be swell...
  14. Radiating like a bastard here. 12F already. If we weren't clouding over tonight, I'd probably be headed for negative double digits.
  15. I think 36 is going to do it unless there are some downsloping shenanigans in the next hour or so. Nice day for sure! Yeah, looking forward to another refresher tomorrow. It looks to fall mostly during daylight which is also nice. Caveat emptor, this is a rough sounding for ratios...
  16. 0.9F was my low this morning, now up past 30 already. It is unquestionably sun angle season.
  17. Just like the rest of the forum, yeah.
  18. He's a JetBlue loyalist, and they pulled out of SWF last year. Are any passenger airlines operating there currently?
  19. I had to shuttle someone to HPN for the 7 am flight to FLL (they can keep it), and the return trip definitely got dicey in spots. 84 was snow-covered in the hills around Brewster in the last hour.
  20. I think I'm the odd one out in not particularly caring for this system (when you've had 3" in an hour just weeks prior, that same amount in 30 hours does not impress). Anything's better though than the rainier that models were showing up until maybe 4 or 5 days ago. Looks like a pretty epic weekend for getting outside with bright sunshine and highs around 30.
  21. 2.9" here. Thought I might have 3" just from looking, but not yet. Upstream radar looks decent for the next hour or two.
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