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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. 86/75 If it weren't June, I'd probably proclaim this the hottest day of the summer
  2. Move the vaccine timeline up 8 weeks and give him some Valium for the first debate, and he walks away with it. I firmly believe that.
  3. The moths, the disease, or the warmth? 46 here as well. Yesterday was cooler, surprisingly
  4. Haven't really noticed any infestations around here. They seem to really like CT for whatever reason. 50/49 here at midnight. I do worry a little that the repeated temp swings are going to foster disease issues in the gardens... would be nice to get the baseline warmth up to summer levels.
  5. There were a few decent sized branches down on roadways in the Rhinebeck area early this am. Nothing that screams severe but some poor schmuck somewhere definitely had his tomato plants blown down.
  6. Quick half inch of rain here with some close lightning. These were once routine summer storms, but convection is a scarce commodity these days.
  7. My bedroom AC stays on about 20 hours a day now so that it's a comfortable temp when I go to bed. The 19th century windows are too tiny for anything bigger than about a 5000 BTU unit, which would be just about worthless to bring the 400 sqft space back down from 80F or so during the daytime. I turn it off for a few hours in the morning to avoid any issues with ice.
  8. 41.2 here, 39.7 downhill. Not bad for the shortest nights of the year.
  9. Chilly, down to 47 here and 45 at the bottom of the hill. I'd be surprised if someone in town didn't get to a hair under 40.
  10. I see you still need to practice your edging a bit
  11. 0.90" this morning. Everything's pretty soggy.
  12. Got clouded out pretty early up here... around 9:30 I think. I hope that the next drought has more sunny days.
  13. Just a few more days until we start making in-roads against this god-forsaken season
  14. Just as a friendly clarification, we only get to enjoy the partial eclipse stage, albeit of a fairly deep magnitude. Annularity doesn't start until over the Ontario interior. It sounds pedantic, but it's the difference between the very cool "ring of fire" and just a pretty cool crescent shape. As for cloudcover, it seems the further north you are, the better. Most models show very slow drying from north to south on Wednesday night.
  15. Not having power is murder in this wx. My sympathies 0.15" in the Stratus
  16. Impressive for sure down where people live. Absolute gobs of lightning with these storms.
  17. I briefly went down to 69 toward the end of the night, but it only lasted a few minutes.
  18. Lots of thunder here from a storm that went up just a couple miles to my SE. Temp fell from 95 to 86 after the gust front blasted through
  19. Pretty cool watching storms initiate at the intersection of the sea breeze and NE propagating outflow boundary
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