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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. Aye, that inverted trough has had staying power. It's really fascinating to watch the TC/ULL interaction and how it's producing precip in different ways across the region...
  2. It's pretty much fully involved with the upper trough now. Circulation is getting diffuse, but as best I can tell from surface obs, it's near New London now which implies a heading just north of due west. If you believe the GFS (and I do), the post-tropical low is stalled out over the eastern Cats by sunrise tomorrow.
  3. We're gonna get trounced with rain tonight I think. All the hi-res models are a deluge.
  4. The window for anything more than a mid-range Cat 1 is closing, if it hasn't already. Recon and sat loops show the LLC still decoupled from coldest cloud tops. By the time it gets some semblance of structural organization, it'll start running into SST and shear issues once again.
  5. Any noticeable swells down there or too weak/far away?
  6. It's funny, as the county only yesterday repaired the washed out shoulder in front of my house from the early July rains. At least they got the practice.
  7. The 12z Euro is Diane/Floyd/Irene levels of hydrological mayhem. Only limiting factor as outlined by Albany's AFD would be weak baroclinic forcing, but there's more than enough slow-moving convection here to make an almighty mess. Hopefully not.
  8. I have reservations there in a couple weeks. Lousy timing on my part.
  9. Yeah, that was more potent than expected in a lot of spots. I picked up exactly 1.00" in the Stratus, which is entertainment enough to get me through another day. A deplorable 77/75 now
  10. Radar looks pretty juicy... could be a bit of an overperformer given pwats in the area.
  11. I'd like to hire the PR team that convinced everyone Kona is good. Hard to go wrong with pretty much any Indonesian bean... Sumatra and Sulawesi are staples in my cupboard. I've also been getting into Nicaraguan lately. It's bright, but not light-bodied like most coffees people describe as "bright." Really good in the summertime.
  12. Dews are already down 6F in the last 20 minutes as winds swing around to NW. Front is through.
  13. 94/78... dying inside the house. Tomatoes are having a grand ol' time, however.
  14. Too much caffeine from coffee enemas, just straight water now. It was 98/80 (allegedly) about an hour ago before some clouds moved in. Absolutely intolerable.
  15. The "reading NE threads" expression transcends species it would seem. Cute little guy.
  16. Yeah, same... but my well is getting low. It's shocking how quickly 15" of rain in July just vanishes into the annals of history.
  17. This is an ultimatum. You guys start posting some more, or I make a c*vid post. The choice is yours.
  18. I mean, they definitely are. Civil twilight begins 35 minutes earlier than it did in late June... that's getting pretty hard for even the most absent-minded among us to avoid noticing.
  19. It's actually quite impressive how almost every weekend this summer is dark and dreary.
  20. Depends a lot on moon phase and ambient brightness from light pollution, but I usually start around f/2.8 and ISO 5000 for 20 seconds and just keep shooting continuously until the lens gets soaked in dew. If it's a more urban environment, you'd still want to keep ISO and aperture very fast but reduce your exposure time. Expose for the meteors.
  21. I can't remember the last time the Perseids didn't disappoint. Give me 20 ZHR Leonids over 120 ZHR Perseids any day.
  22. Bananas have always been the clear favorite food of my toy poodle mix as well. Back when she could still hear (or see), she'd come running if you even mentioned the word banana. My grandfather used to tell stories of his dogs stealing only the biggest and plumpest tomatoes out of the garden, so that's been a thing at least going back to the 50s in some households
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