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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. Sun's actually breaking through here, with a big clearing out west over PA. I wonder if we can't salvage a decent afternoon today.
  2. I can't believe being 7 miles closer to the equator makes them that much warmer, crazy stuff
  3. Bottomed out at 34.3 a little after 2 am, then apparently mixed out a bit and rose to 40 by 5, and finally radiated back down to 35 by sunrise. My little torch there prevented any frost formation as far as I could see.
  4. Down to 36.9, quite a bit calmer than forecast and radiating well. I have to wonder if the growing season is in its final hours.
  5. I remember when a cold FROPA meant clearing wx, not three days of rain.
  6. Right, there are always those hyper-anomalous events to look back on, although we still have 5-6 weeks before I start to feel as though time's wasting. Which is maybe part of the reason why I'm taking the prolonged warm season in stride... we have so much downtime in DJFM these days. No need for yet another month of inert gray. Plus, as you say, an early-season snowfall is fun for a bit but hardly worth the destruction and interruptions. Could certainly use a couple frosty mornings to start sweetening up the apples, kicking the foliage into gear, and killing off some of the bugs.
  7. No complaints from me, either. Now, if we're still doing this two months from now... yeah. But it was never going to snow or be meaningfully cold on October 15th, so might as well be comfy outdoors.
  8. I've come to regret uninstalling earlier this month. Would have really benefited from AC the last several nights.
  9. Don't forget to say "finally feels like fall, eh?" to everyone you see
  10. Had breakfast at the local cafe this morning, everyone was seated outside in short sleeves. That definitely gets no complaints from me on October 15th. Let the torch roll on.
  11. Today's forecast really laid an egg. No breaks in the stratus layer for even a moment, despite all indications of rapid clearing early on. Weak
  12. That's it! You've seen maps like this, the values are bogus imo but the contours have the right shape... to see the same intensity display in northern Iowa you'd have to go to far NNE https://darksitefinder.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/KP-Map.png
  13. Not much of a surprise to be fair, the M-flare and full-halo CME were pretty well documented by all the usual imaging instruments. My camera picked up some faint color within a few degrees of the northern horizon but nothing out of the ordinary. It did look like a great show in the Plains and Midwest, which is favored by higher geomagnetic latitudes and the oblong auroral oval vs. the coasts.
  14. Seeing some back-of-the-camera color and even faint pillars down here... probably a nice show ongoing in NNE
  15. Pretty brave hiking Indian Head on a Saturday in October. May God have mercy on your soul.
  16. I said the same thing about my pancake batter.
  17. Yeah, I always buy one of the almanacs. They're an entertaining light read for $6 or whatever they are... the bogus wx predictions only take up a few pages.
  18. Ahh, I should have logged on earlier, would have definitely run up. I thought about going to that but ended up doing the walkway street fair instead.
  19. It's hard to sustain the necessary bubble of warmth when winds are really whipping, otherwise the cold doesn't faze them. I think I missed my evening cigar a total of three times last winter. Which has been nice for sure, but isn't great for the long term implications of that particular habit
  20. I've been happy with the $130, 48,000 btu upright units from BJ's. Easy to assemble and my first two have survived three winters of near daily use, although I did have to replace one thermocouple last year... quick fix
  21. I was a little surprised too to have managed that even with a bit of low-level flow all night... although 38 was, in fact, the low. Love those first mornings in the 30s when the steam billows off lakes and ponds. Also gonna pretend I didn't see bx's post. edit: I lied, 37.4 is the daily minimum
  22. Well, already down to 38 with potentially another hour to go. Chilly.
  23. Albany P&C takes me to 39 tonight. Should be semi-interesting to watch as conditions look okay but not excellent for radiating. If there's a light breeze in the morning as modeled, that could really thicken up the fog over the river and make for some impressive sunrise views.
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