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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. I was quite a bit older than I care to admit when I finally realized the Walden Pond works weren't about a place in OC. That was briefly disappointing. 20F this am as the step-down continues
  2. Yeah, I'm sure flakes were having an easier time reaching the ground in some of the more convective streamers to my north. At home though I genuinely didn't see anything that I would consider a snowflake... anything frozen bounced a couple times upon impact. Between putting up lights and slogging through my current month-long photo contract, I've been outside like 12-14 hours every day. Good for building cold tolerance early and also for observing the minutiae of the weather.
  3. Some of your finest work. I got bummed seeing frozen precip a moment ago, but happily it's just graupel.
  4. No flakes here yet. I hope I make it through the day without seeing any... I'm in full "STFU" mode this season
  5. Definitely a nice day today after the fog burned off. I've been riding around with the top down, last time for a while probably.
  6. Nah, I was watching like a hawk on Sunday night and didn't see anything. Even took a drive up the hill to about 800ft and it was still liquid
  7. Good trends today. Keep it going until it's a quick fropa. On another note, now at the latest without flakes or measurable snow since 2015-16.
  8. I hope that epic Nina rainer next week trends more progressive. Nobody needs that stuff.
  9. That really caught me by surprise when I saw the survey results. I wish I had some good velocity scans from around the time when it occurred... I knew it was a potent squall line, just had no reason at all to suspect tornadic activity. No big disruptions at home thankfully but that's definitely a close shave.
  10. Getting blustery all of a sudden. My late-night leaf cleanup has been cut short.
  11. I kill marmorated stink bugs with extreme prejudice. One of the only creatures I feel no apprehension about squishing.
  12. A+ day today. Imagine how much warmer it would be if we still had that hour of daylight, tho.
  13. Aye, lots of interesting patterns with this prolific frost lately. I like the bare patches in my yard just under the canopies of trees that still have their leaves. Presumably they're acting like a blanket to prevent radiation? Big spoon or little spoon?
  14. Start out in the mid-20s with heavy frost and patchy fog, warm up to 50 with full sun by early afternoon, rinse, repeat
  15. My PWS went offline for some reason just after 5 am and didn't come back for a few hours, so missed the low. Station up the road hit 23.7 - it's usually around a degree cooler than me due to lower elevation. In any case, heavy frost once again.
  16. "Arthur McBride" is the best Christmas song, followed closely by "Brick" by Ben Folds.
  17. 27.7 for a low with some nice frost, finally. Annuals are good and cooked.
  18. I reached 36 at 11:30 last night and again around 8 this morning (with an interceding climb to 42), so I guess that's both days' lows.
  19. To be honest I'm not even sure if I should tally my first frost. 31.5F was the low (below-freezing being corroborated by other stations in the neighborhood), so unambiguously the first freeze. Even here, though, actual frost was tenuous and confined to well-insulated rooftops. Most crucially, there was no damage to tender vegetation... my petunias and impatiens are no worse for wear. Can you first freeze without first frost? If not, how do you frost without killing the impatiens?
  20. 31.8F here currently. Only the faintest traces of frost.
  21. 3.79" here since Sunday night. It sounded rather gusty around 4-5 am, but the fact that my cornstalks are all still in place is a pretty good indication that it never got particularly bad
  22. Steady rain here all afternoon under that inverted trough feature. Seems like it may not start to dry up here until after midnight, from a quick look at the mesos.
  23. Recently passed 3.00" in the tipper here. A little bit of urban and small stream flooding as mentioned, but for the most part just a couple of rainy days in late October. The worst of the event seems to be over unless there's some kind of mesoscale wind instigator tonight.
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