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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. Made it down to 30 here this morning, with several 28-29 readings around the neighborhood. That's at least 10 degrees below last night's P&C. Hopefully nurseries and home growers were extra cautious...
  2. We're not doing a whole heck of a lot better today. Ughhhh
  3. The Dry Tortugas are on my bucket list. Some really dark skies out there.
  4. The stretch of the river through the Hudson Highlands is legitimately a geological fjord (see eg. page 474 here: http://www.nysm.nysed.gov/staff-publications/changes-fish-assemblages-tidal-hudson-river-new-york). It's not as disrinct as the fjords of Norway, but then again, they would also laugh at what we call "mountains"...
  5. It was cool seeing the snow-covered Catskills from high points in the area today. Looked just like winter.
  6. GEFS means are troughy into the first week of May. This has the potential to be a tough year for gardens I think. Cold, wet soil for weeks to come. Nematodes and cutworms out the wazoo.
  7. I got sleet bombed in the 10 o'clock hour with temp falling to 34 during the heaviest precip. Now up a couple degrees and back to light rain.
  8. With its dying breath, the winter of 2021-22 flips us the bird one last time. The NAM is so warm that @gravitylover warm sectors for a bit.
  9. This is a helpful resource. I'm sure you know all the caveats about climo averages, so not much use basing chase day details on this, but it does seem like the lakes correlate with a relative average cloudiness minimum from around Sandusky to Potsdam. It's interesting that CLE's odds aren't much worse than DFW.
  10. One benefit of being near the edge of totality is longer view of the chromosphere and any prominences. But you'll really want to have a couple backup targets somewhere SW of Carbondale if you have the means to travel. Upstate NY will be a nice place to visit with a 30% chance of seeing a solar eclipse. All that being said, if it's clear in the area, heading north on the morning of the event will be an absolute joke. Parking lots on Interstates and side-roads alike.
  11. Yessir, the ones with the most sun have opened quickly over the last 36 hours or so. I already picked some to bring inside. They're among my favorite flowers for fragrance with their musk/earth component to balance the sweetness. Down to 59 from the high of 85. It's a shame we weren't able to hold off the front until after nightfall.
  12. It's a bit strange to feel this kind of heat with small or no buds on most trees (up here, at least). Up to 85 now.
  13. See, that's just excessive.
  14. Daffodils are running about a week behind last year, and two weeks behind 2020. Can't buy a fleck of color or brightness around the yard.
  15. 2.34" in the Stratus. Consumer-grade tipper FTL during heavy rainfall rates, as usual.
  16. Thought we'd be drying up by now, but still sheet drizzle. The worst winter in memory seamlessly parlaying into the worst spring in memory. Tipper says 3.00" storm total so we'll see what the Stratus truth is when I feel like wading through the yard.
  17. Taking a beating here. Torrential rains, rather potent gusts with power surges and small branches coming down, and much more thunder and lightning than I expected.
  18. I wouldn't worry... the lawn guys will be talking about abnormally dry conditions by mid-May.
  19. Looks like a real gully washer tomorrow night. Aren't we lucky.
  20. What are the coordinates? I can't find it edit: nvm, I see it. That's fun, hopefully it stays put until the lock
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