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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. POU already at 95. Hopefully Cu coverage remains scattered for another couple hours
  2. At least the law of averages guarantees a cold, snowy winter. Right guys? Right?
  3. You posted the yearly precip departures a few days ago that really showed how this very dry pattern is a recent development. We've barely begun to register on the long-term drought indicators. It's an enormous inconvenience for crops, lawns, and other things related to surface hydrology, but at least we're still a ways off from genuine water supply issues.
  4. Soil type and sun exposure affect watering requirements to a huge extent. My soil is relatively sandy with low organic matter, so it's awful at retaining moisture.
  5. @gravityloverand me fighting in the trenches to keep gardens from spontaneously combusting today
  6. 95/73. I'm sure those numbers are slightly inflated by equipment limitations, but it certainly feels more toasty than yesterday. Some clean-air rumbles from the storms that fired to the SE
  7. 97/69 Hope we can pull off triple digits at some point in the next 4 days.
  8. I had a little over .9" for the first measurable rain since July 2nd. We take the brief reprieve from watering, but a little lackluster as far as the pool and well go.
  9. I've seen remarkably few ticks this spring. Like, weeks since the last sighting. Possums ftw?
  10. Looks like a glorious weekend of wx before the soup returns.
  11. It's been on and off showers here for most of the afternoon, but that doesn't bother me as much as the humidity. I've been sweating like a pig trying to tune up my mower before the next mow. The last jerk who worked on it way over-tightened the blade spindles
  12. ...cloudy as hell, though. Heavy, heavy shock.
  13. 2.31" today in the Stratus. That takes care of the pool water level for a few weeks.
  14. I wasn't mentally prepared for a washout today.
  15. Getting soggy here as well. Over 2" for the day so far.
  16. That's an awesome springtime view. Save this for your listing when it's time to sell!
  17. We are venturing into smaller %s of normal precip over the last 30 days. This weekend's showers aren't likely to be of much help. It's interesting, because just about anyone you'll talk to (myself included) would suggest that it has felt like a damp, rainy spring.
  18. 33 this morning for a third consecutive low in the low-30s.
  19. I think it got even colder than that in lower parts of my yard. A fair amount of frost damage and lost tomato plants inside my cold frame, which would have been 4-5 degrees warmer than the outside air.
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