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Everything posted by Juliancolton

  1. Just legendary amounts of leaf fall today. Crushed.
  2. Made it up to 74 today when the sun broke through. Still soupy now at 65/64.
  3. The first 1000 pounder was 1996, so it's been a little while now, but still incredible advances over a fairly short period. It's probably the most focused breeding program in history. Thousands of growers selecting almost exclusively for size, year after year.
  4. A couple growers in England lost a 2907-pound pumpkin to a pinhole in late August. It would have easily crossed the 3000 lb threshold. http://www.bigpumpkins.com/Diary/DiaryViewOne.asp?eid=334890
  5. Yeah, content-aware fill makes quick work of powerlines. @sn0w, it would take me about 5 minutes if you wanted to send me the file at original resolution.
  6. Gonna declare peak in my town. Not much red locally, but lots of nice rust/sienna blanketing the hillsides.
  7. 71/45 under blue skies with tufts of wispy cirrus. A breeze keeps the sun from getting too warm on the face, and carries a smattering of red leaves to the ground with every gust. Songs will be sung of this day.
  8. The woods around North-South Lake are pretty close to peak today. KHP and Hunter have that slightly-past-peak, monotone orange cast, but beautiful all the same.
  9. Stunning colors in the NW Hills today. What a weekend for the peepers and pickers.
  10. This has really become evident in my hood over the last 24 hours. Some spots look the nicest in quite a while. Foliage will do whatever it wants, apparently.
  11. From all the pictures I've seen, it looks like a great year for foliage in upstate NY and NNE. Their comparatively wetter summer really helped things along.
  12. Most boring wx year of my lifetime marches on.
  13. Lots of flashes in the southern sky currently.
  14. Getting soaked up here. Coming up on 1.75" for the day.
  15. I hate when there's an active major in the Atlantic and Levi's site becomes unusably slow.
  16. 41 imby, 39.9 at my neighbor's house up the street. Today definitely qualifies to be among the 50 or so top-10 days of 2022 so far.
  17. Some spots could see lows in the 30s tomorrow morning. It should make for nice steam around rivers and lakes.
  18. Not sure how you survived this long without a constant supply of kale and parsnips
  19. You doing any fall planting? I think I'm ready to plant some vetch and put it all to bed for the winter. It was a long, tough, but productive season.
  20. 0.12" according to the tipper. Lawn needs mowing but it's too wet today... what is this, 2021?
  21. 85 is still sweaty even with the attenuated mid-Sep sun.
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