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north pgh

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Everything posted by north pgh

  1. Well said. Maybe these models will beat us down so bad that the storm will over perform at some point.
  2. This may be a split allegheny county special. I can see eastern allegheny county getting 2-4 and western allegheny county 4-8.i think everyone gets 1-3 from the first waive. I hope with the second waive if we do mix we get sleet over freezing rain. Then maybe another 1-3 backend overnight Monday. It’s going to be interesting to say the list. I think we stay all frozen however. I just can’t see plain rain. We haven’t been above freezing for 2 weeks. Just my guesses. We’ll see.
  3. And another thing.... the Canadian gives us 8-9 inches on Monday with less mix and gives us a solid 4-6 inch front end thump on Thursday. That sucks
  4. Sorry in advance if I offend anyone but some of you people are unbelievable. Wa wa wa! I have been posting since 2003 back on wright weather and have been disappointed more times than not. Currently we are expecting 6-9 inches of snow and maybe some sleet and freezing rain on Monday. This would be a big storm for us. If we are not in the bullseye people complain. We very rarely get the bullseye. Somebody always gets more. So what. Enjoy what you can get. If you want a 24 inch snow move east and you can get one every 5 years and hardly anything else. I am enjoying this winter very much. It reminds me of some of the winters in the 70’s. A nice variety. If we downgrade to 4-7 I will still take it. I don’t want to start any arguments. That’s just how I feel. Anyways
  5. My driveway is a sheet of ice. I had 2 people fall early this evening. Be careful out there.
  6. I think right now we are in a good spot. 6-12 with winter storm watches going up late tomorrow afternoon for Monday Monday night. Worst case scenario 4-6 but could still go either way.
  7. The Canadian has shifted slightly west but I still like our position. I don’t like to be in the bullseye just yet and if this thing is gonna move at all the next two days I’m hopeful that it would go east a little.
  8. I know some people don’t like these clown maps but I couldn’t resist the Euro for next week. Yikes !
  9. Okay folks.... this is how I see it as of right now. Things will change over the next 5 days but if they do not.... 2-3 inches in a 6 hour period tonight. I'll take it. 1-3 inches Saturday afternoon . I'll take it. 4-6 inches on Tuesday . I'll take it. Maybe another storm later next week. This may be a February to remember.
  10. That's okay. 5 days away. Don't want to be in the bullseye. Hard to believe with this cold that the low would take that kind of cutter track. Lot's of time and would rather have the low to move east for us than west. Tonight is looking more like a 2-3 inches of snow in a 6 hour window. I think we will all take it.
  11. Saturday Sunday starting to look like a 3-5 inch snow maybe mix. Trending nicely for us again.
  12. You know it’s a good night when you’re lying in bed and it’s only been snowing 2 hours and the plow comes down your street.
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