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north pgh

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Everything posted by north pgh

  1. There is still time for this storm to go anywhere. I would still prefer a decent snow event with mixing issues to a dry miss to the East.
  2. I know it is only 1 model and so far out but with the winter being the way it is I had to post it just for fun.
  3. I’m liking the next 2 weeks potential. Northwest flow and enough cold. Maybe even a clipper or 2.
  4. Wow! Just went to Squirrel Hill for dinner at 6:00 and got home here at 8:00 to terrible roads. Measured 2 fresh inches on my driveway. 4.5 in the yard. That streamer must have been sitting over the North Hills while I was gone. Clearing skies now. Mcknight Road was a mess heading out to 579. Surprise!
  5. I've been sitting under this nice squall line in Northern Allegheny County. Visibility has been down to 1/2 mile at times. Beautiful
  6. Nice surprise of snow showers this morning putting down a fluffy 1/2 inch or so.
  7. I just shoveled my driveway and measured 1.75 inches. I imagine with another 1 or 2 hours until it quits should have 2 or so total. About what I expected.
  8. I'm sticking with the positive. We have had Zero snow events this year and I believe most of the county should get 2-3 inches in a 6 hour window tonight. I will take it and get out and enjoy it. No complaints here,
  9. I’m still good with 1 inch NW county to 3 inches southeast
  10. Canadian has ticked slightly northwest. If it holds we may get a few hours of moderate snow late tomorrow. I'm thinking if it happens we could (maybe) get a surprise upper end of 1-3 inches.
  11. Yes it will be nice to see it snowing even though it is only an inch or so. Plus it will only snow for 6 hours or so and hopefully it will be daylight so we can see it. (I hate when it snows when I'm sleeping and you wake up and it is on the ground but done snowing) I was thinking the same thing about the clippers. This kind of setup we are in is not prime for any big storms but with the cold and northwest flow I would take a couple 2-4 clipper type systems.
  12. By the looks of the most current models, Thursday evenings storm is only going to be a 6-9 hour event. Therefore if things hold true we are looking at a 1 maybe 2 inch event for our area if we are able to hang on to the northwest edge.
  13. I hope we can hold serve and even move a little northwest on these next runs but to be honest I do not have a good feeling. I hope I'm wrong.
  14. The NAM has the northwest trend. Now we need the others to follow suit.
  15. Canadian still has it but losing it south. Almost on the same track as today's storm. I'm sure it will fluctuate over the next couple days but if the others move south then it doesn't fare well at all for us.
  16. It looks like the NAM is coming around to our potential Friday storm. Now all we need is the GFS and we have something to track.
  17. Merry Christmas all! Let’s hope we can track a double digit snowfall in January or February
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