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Everything posted by Patrick-02540

  1. You can always move to our little 20 sq mile zone in Western Central CT.
  2. I had an undergrad seminar 1x/week on Wednesday evenings in 95-96. 12 for the entire semester. 5 of them were cancelled due to snow. Everyone (within reason) got an A. That's one of the reasons I'm here today.
  3. Lol. I started that post, and the four of us are very proud of our little zone of joy.
  4. Much worse in the last 100 years, for sure. But you can also look at ancient Egypt, where grains/plants were 80-90% of the diet. Young men almost always developed gynecomastia and paunchy wheat bellies. This was also depicted in their little statues- not to be confused with their drawings, which incorporated human/lanky animal physiques. High animal fat/moderate protein OUTSIDE of the presence of carbs/(sugars/grains) is still the ideal diet for optimizing the homosapien. Down to 43F. 93% RH.
  5. Insulin resistance is likely the culprit in everything metabolic, from erectile dysfunction (insulin resistant blood vessels) to high blood pressure, to dementia (Type 3 diabetes), cancer, and heart disease, thyroid, PCOS, etc. And insulin resistance comes almost exclusively from one thing: hyperinsulinemia due to carbohydrate consumption and low fat. 2 million years of high-fat carnivorous evolution can't be changed in a hundred years of grain and plant matter consumption. 43.9F.
  6. That's a backpack full of your best seasoned hardwood. And a ray gun.
  7. This morning at 6am I hit exactly 10" for the season (6" alone from that over-performing clipper 10 days ago). The long-term average for this area is 9.6 to 10.4" for December, depending on what data source you look at. Now I feel the essential numbness that arises with climate equilibrium.
  8. I saw one last night about 10:10pm. Long red bar light on one side, green bar light on the other, and a white bar light in the center, all parallel to one another. No blinking. Hovered for about 30 seconds and then took off in a westerly direction. I have been tracking planes for 20 years, and this was not a plane, jet, helicopter, etc. Also did not appear on FlightRadar24. Hard to tell how high up it was, and I couldn't hear anything.
  9. I was 5 years old, don't remember. But my dad just happens to be here now and just told me he had to plug in his diesel Peugeot (keep the glow plugs warm) at my grandmother's house to make sure it would start after the Christmas day festivities. Of course, it had to be plugged at any temp below about 25F if not garaged.
  10. New England's updated song. "Dreaming of a Pink and Green Christmas."
  11. Yeah, 35 here, mist. Feels much worse. I got 3 cords last week. 1 cord was 90% black locust. 2nd time in three years. I pull out about 20 good pieces for hammer handles and burn the rest, of course. The stuff is gold to me.
  12. I need something catastrophic to hit the morning of the 23rd to keep the inlaws away. There's potential here.
  13. Winds don't seems to be an issue with this system, right? Haven't seen any talk of them.
  14. Yeah, hopefully NW and N Central CT pull off another 6-10" tonight, in another stunning overperformance.
  15. Big overperformer here. On a forecast of 1-2, I just measured 5.5, but about another 40 minutes of moderate based on radar. Will post shortly.
  16. Must be a lot of dry air here. Radar has that look. Nothing yet.
  17. I look at a coating as less than an inch, but more than a dusting.
  18. Well, what a nice surprise. Went out to the truck to grab some logs for the wood stove and there was a nice dusting. Now a dusting is more than a trace, but less than a coating, right? Wanna make sure I get this right knowing some of you on here.
  19. Is it me, or does it seem clippers always seem to hit overnight? At least, back when they used to hit.
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