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Everything posted by Patrick-02540

  1. Not sure where that puts me. I'm almost old as f*ck, but I haven't weened off the teet, either.
  2. I loved that storm. Was in Woods Hole for that one and ended up with 14 or 15 if I recall.
  3. Region 14 did that last year, too. Parents were about to show up with pitchforks and torches.
  4. I understand that they won't go up a pole in gusts 30 or greater. So if you go out tonight, they won't even start your repair until some time on Saturday.
  5. With 4-mph winds, Eversource just lost a line here in Woodbury, forcing a two-hour closure of Route 6 around the Southbury border. God help us later tonight and tomorrow.
  6. Very good point. Check to make sure you have viable exits, clear of drifting. My great aunt had a chimney fire (during a wind/snow storm) that spread to the structure of the house way back in the 1960s. She and her husband had to exit through a window.
  7. I'm not letting myself get concerned. In almost EVERY big event, I end up with 6-12 more than forecast/modeled. I'll stick with historical precedent on this one.
  8. They get those 400 car pile ups in the Blue Ridge passes. Ice and fog. Fog so thick they're 20 feet away at 65mph before they see the jam. No one really understands why they drive that fast under those conditions.
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