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Everything posted by Patrick-02540

  1. As a kid, Christmas Eve was always more exciting to me than Christmas day. The anticipation and potentiality was always more euphoric than the actual event (even if i got exactly what I expected!). Hunters & sport fishermen often experience some degree of the same, I am told. The thrill is in the chase.
  2. I remember that well. A few dozen cars on Rt 6 in Woodbury that slid off the side of the road or couldn't make it up even the shallowest incline. It was very bizarre. A lot of people who know they can't handle snow don't drive. And when they get caught off guard, they panic.
  3. Let me tell you, mine is in the barn shoved behind two riding lawnmowers, a tractor, and a stack of 8 foot pressure treated 6x6's . And the guy that does the main driveway texted me this morning and said the hydraulics on his plow are busted. So that alone guarantees a positive bust by 4-6 inches.
  4. I remember the Bills and Colts in 2017. 17 inches fell. 8 inches fell on the field during play. Snowiest game I can recall.
  5. Probably. Mom's has lingered for three weeks. They both tested positive for RSV antibodies. It's all over the place down here in western CT. The clue is that it's course is quite different than the classic cold or COVID.
  6. It's the typical "day 5" loss, followed by a region-crippling blizzard on the NAM at day 3, and then it settles out to be what was forecast at day 6. That's my bet.
  7. 30 years ago, I had to make a career decision: meteorology, or psychiatry. I chose the latter. But it wasn't all lost for the former. A good number of my winter-season patients are meteorologists.
  8. My closest neighbor is about 1/4 mile away. But I ended up with someone's 12-foot rubber reindeer halfway up my Norway spruce. What the hell am I gonna do with it??
  9. 64000 out of power in CT. Highest number out is Guilford at 1800. Highest percentage out is Union at 98% (450 outages).
  10. Power out at 5:54. 200 year old maple came crashing down across the road about a half mile from me.
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