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Everything posted by Patrick-02540

  1. There's always that mental battle for me between lawn health, and a desire for hot/dry summers. I had about an acre spray-seeded two years ago that was previously a horse playground. So that grass is still getting established. June sucked last year having to water it, but I didn't need to do anything from July through September.
  2. Looking through old photos. I don't know if the date is correct on this. February 9, 2008. 4 feet of snow on my mom's back porch.
  3. We had a stand of old Cherry trees along the road-side. That was a particular favorite for the gypsies. The nostalgia of the 80's gypsy moths. Infested trees and old men with black knee-high socks smearing grease around their trunks.
  4. The cicadas! 2 of the 15 broods are emerging this year. 1 trillion of those guys will be crawling out of the ground in 2024. Makes the birds go insane a la Tippi Hedren-style.
  5. Pingers started here about 20 minutes ago. Quickly changed to plain ole rain.
  6. 5 minutes of ultra-high intensity activity 2x/day, and full carnivore. Mimic what we've evolved doing for over 2 million years, before we started cultivating grains/plants/industrial seed oils.
  7. Just remember, there's not too much snow to your NW can can get blown in. And yours will get blown out! I have bare patches over 25% of my property from yesterday. Though I do have some nice 3-4 foot drifts in other areas.
  8. The framing of the study is misleading- bearing on the Paris Agreement 1.5C limit- because it specifically describes temperature rise relative to the late 19th century. That limit was established as the threshold of unacceptably dangerous warming and describes temperature rise relative to the late 19th century. If this study has indeed identified warming from before the mid-1800s, that doesn’t mean the planet is any closer to breaking the 1.5C limit as it is widely understood. Too, proxy data from a single relatively isolated location should not be used to make assumptions about the entire planet- or even regionally. Finally, this study suggests that that little ocean area where the sponges were examined had a temperature increase of about twice that for what has been established had happened over land during the same period. So I am not sure how we can then formulate a causal relationship for temperatures today, when none had existed even back then.
  9. I'll never forget March 2012. I flew to South Africa for the month to escape the cold here. But New England hit the 80s while I was down there.
  10. Non-fat yogurt??? Yuck! Food is another area HIGHLY politicized. Reminds me of the "absolute certitude" the scientific community had from the 1970s through about 2020 that saturated fats and meat were bad for humans. So they replaced good fats with sugars and seed oils, which are both now proven to be the causative agents of inflammation, which leads to arthrosclerosis, dementia, cancers, and all manner of metabolic disease. The saturated fat was simply showing up (carried by an LDL particle) to repair the damage from the sugars and polyunsaturated fats. To this day, about 85% of family doctors have no clue, and continue to suggest low animal fat, high seed-oil, high-carb diets for sick patients. But thankfully that narrative is being chipped away at with the release of more and more blinded clinical trials showing exactly the opposite.
  11. That's how I feel. The anticipation- and the event- is what matters to me. If it all went away tomorrow, I couldn't care less. It would be great to have a Friday storm every week, and have it the hell melted by Monday. That's just me.
  12. And down she goes. Finally looks and feels like February in these parts.
  13. 13.75 beautiful inches here in Bethlehem. (Looking due south over the Pomperaug Valley. Lake Quassapaug is situated between the two far peaks. Buck's Hill in Southbury is to the right, far distant.)
  14. No!!! LOL. She called at 9am and said it wasn't safe to drive. (So I told her to give it a shot.) She was coming from Sharon, CT.
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