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Everything posted by Patrick-02540

  1. Rome, NY. B-52 tossed like a salad onto some grassy area across the street.
  2. Another confirmed tornado. On the ground in Rome, NY.
  3. Yup. I'm waiting for the sun to start popping out here in the next hour or two.
  4. That cell is heading right towards a place called Hurricane Mountain. Lol.
  5. Imagine being up there in central NY in a public place and hearing all the cell phones emergency warnings go off. Must be constant.
  6. Yeah, it's pretty vicious up there. Popping up all over. And it's just starting.
  7. lol. We were just talking about this last night. My and my dad's central AC guy just bought one of those Mercedes vans and my dad saw his wife driving around in a brand new Audi A5 Sportback. Meanwhile, you can pick up a snowblower on the side of the road for $25.
  8. 90s at least Sunday through Wednesday, now.
  9. Steamiest/hottest morning yet. 75/73 at 7am. We'll been needing life vests to walk out for the mail.
  10. Same here. Nice CU and the constant drone of distant rumble (and horse flies).
  11. Looks like route 25 just before the Bourne.
  12. 86/67. Quite sure I'll blow past the forecast high of 90. Just stopped by my brother's new old house. Guy was in the attic installing central air ductwork. If you think your life sucks, think about that poor SOB.
  13. Sun poking through here. Gonna be a humid, skanky mess soon.
  14. I'm always just missing momma nature's wrath. I flew down to Sicily for 4 days while in Italy and hiked Mt Etna on June 26th. Early yesterday, she blew her top with an outstanding display. Here's a pic taken of that event.
  15. Got home two days ago. Lost two trees, a glass top on an old table near the barn, and 6 spindles on railing when deck furniture got violently tossed around and blasted into them. Two outside metal chairs blew into the cornfield, but the farmer pulled them out for me.
  16. Yeah, that's heading right for us, maybe a bit south into Woodbury. Got 3.41 last night in two hours, and .14 so far today.
  17. Such a devastating landscape in Woodbury & Bethlehem. I go to Tuscany for June & July, and my brother called me to say that trees are down all over my property, part of the barn roof blew off, and 40 year old wisteria vines were uprooted. I am afraid to encounter the damage from this when I return.
  18. Awesome project. I have a Shagbark Hickory that has a 154" circumference. That one is about 360 years old. A friend from Cornell came to look at it and he said it is one of the oldest in the area. I'll email him and see what he suggests for a Black Locust for calculation.
  19. No such thing as a government rebate. We all pay for it. Like any other type of public sector spending. Inflation, for sure, is the great equalizer...slapping us silly with a banner reading, "No free lunch!"
  20. Greenwich/Stamford already under full sun. Looks like it's gonna break fast when rain pulls away.
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