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Everything posted by Patrick-02540

  1. My grandfather was a wise man. Long ago he sat me down and said, "When someone from Vermont tells you they spent the weekend building bridges, don't assume it's a metaphor."
  2. Yeah, those White pines are always causing damage. My folks have a row of 60' Norway Spruce 30 feet from the back of their house that have held up very well. They are not brittle like the pines, and have a root ball diameter half their height. And then the old Blue Spruce is prone to blow-over at the root ball, especially younger than 30 years.
  3. That row of White Pines will give you endless damage adventures.
  4. 74.7 / 74.3 99% Feels pretty awful out there.
  5. RE: QC- Imagine having models come out every minute. Or, the model from two weeks ago is dead-on accurate for the event happening tomorrow. One of the biggest effects of QC will be a reduction in the things that trigger classical human emotion.
  6. We'll have to see how you view things come winter!
  7. I have a noise maker for sleeping and one of the settings is "Severe thunderstorm" mode. It helps a lot.
  8. Is that Tippy Hedren running with the children in the background?
  9. Since there's nothing going on, I dug into the archives. Two years ago today.
  10. Sun breaking out here in Western CT. Drier air, too.
  11. Good project. Watch those widowmakers, though.
  12. All driven by storm cells around here. People about a mile away have half as much as me, or twice as much as me.
  13. 1.08 overnight. May: 4.57 June: 4.73 July so far: 6.59 (3" of this came on July 5 from 7pm to 9pm) July average temp 73.5, average dew 67.9 Seems like pretty perfect rainfall amounts for the plants and lawn. Except for the lavender, which prefers it drier.
  14. My update: Have had an unbelievable amount of honey bees, and quite a few wasps. I planted a few acres of clover and I think that is what attracted the honey bees. Only a handful of yellow jackets for a week or two as the holly bushes bloomed back in June- seen none since. I have also had the most lightning bugs in the fields since I moved here 5 years ago. Thankfully, not one Japanese beetle..yet, at least. Very few to no hickory nuts on those trees, too.
  15. Amazing shots from you guys the last few days.
  16. You should over the next 90 minutes, according to water vapor images. There was a blob of cloud over CT that pushed in earlier, for much of the morning, pushing east and dissipating. Full sun here in Western CT now, heating up fast.
  17. Yeah, my aunt was telling me. She lives on the road to Bass Hole, about a tenth of a mile from the boardwalk. Flamingoes are quite adaptable to cold weather and can be found in cold climates, including the Andes in SA where they will gather in frigid and icy ponds. As their numbers continue to rise, we will likely see more and more of them.
  18. Yes. It's a true bargain to pay $50 or $100 to spend the day at a beach without overcrowding and riff-raff.
  19. I like the Cape beaches on the bay from Yarmouthport out, or from Brewster out on the ocean side, and Western Rhode Island to about Madison in CT. As a general rule. There are exceptions each way, however...like a fun little mud hole called Woodneck Beach in Falmouth, where the youngsters can play in tidal pools and chase crabs and eels.
  20. Thinking maybe a little further south than yesterday, but not much further east.
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