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Everything posted by Patrick-02540

  1. And tomorrow will feel amazing. Like a free wet sauna. I'll be sitting on my picnic table loosely wrapped in a white gym towel.
  2. Yup. I'm gonna build a bonfire and sit next to it all day with my little yellow duck umbrella. You wanna stop by?
  3. I don't know, but this is the first time I'm in long pants since some time in early May. I knew it was a crappy day because I normally awake around 530, and today I didn't open my eyes till 8. 62F now. Damp/wet/miserable. Looks like no sun for anyone south of I90 today.
  4. My cousin is a maternity ward nurse and she said a couple had a son this morning and they named him Noah.
  5. All that beautiful flood water is being wasted over LI Sound and the Atlantic.
  6. Yeah, sun here too. Temps jacking. Destabilizing for later today.
  7. .23 this morning. .79 MTD. Had 7.47 in July. Hoping to beat that this month by August 11.
  8. Probably because we had better peripheral/capillary blood flow back then, so we were more sensitive to the heat. There are some old people who dress up like Siberians in this weather.
  9. I remember those bad summer weeks. Movie theaters and the Hyannis mall. Then my mom dressed us up like the Gordan's fisherman and sent us out on the boardwalk at Bass Hole to do some crabbing with chicken skins and butcher's twine.
  10. I absolutely love it. When I was in my teens/twenties, it bothered me. Not so today.
  11. Severe is dying into CT, but still a lot of water.
  12. Highs so far today: 87.1/80.0 Currently 86/77.3
  13. Yeah, that cell chased them all out of the woods. Close the doors!
  14. Entire town of Southbury perfectly covered.
  15. Yeah, Southbury getting destroyed. I'm watching it from the hill.
  16. Of course my wife walks by at the exact moment I'm looking at this. "Weather forum, huh Patrick???"
  17. Here it was coming in. Can you see that angry bear? This was from 25 minutes ago. .51 just from this line of cells. Violent lightning and thunder.
  18. They passed a bit to my north. She said it came down in complete stillness. Hit its critical point, and just collapsed. If I were a tree, that's how I would want to go.
  19. What are the odds? Neighbor's maple just came down. But...as you say, the rot was apparent for quite some time.
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