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Everything posted by Patrick-02540

  1. When we measure and study the weather, we invariably determine it and change it.
  2. Yeah, not getting any smell like a few days last year. It was literally nauseating a couple days last year. Had to get myself one of those high merv filters for the central air system.
  3. Here comes another train of TS, right down central VT, WMA, WCT.
  4. I have a wall of windows to the south and west. So as the angle of sun lowers, I find i still need a/c through September. I make up for it by saving on heat in the winter. I set my a/c somewhere between 72 and 74, depending on dews. In winter during the daytime, the wood stove and the glass brings the house up to 78-80, and you can find me walking around in shorts and a tee shirt. At night, the common areas near the stove are in the mid 70s, and the bedrooms are around 69/70.
  5. I blew last week's forecast highs by 5 degrees yesterday and likely today.
  6. Just drove back from Waterbury to Bethlehem. It was outrageous. Little old ladies and gentlemen pulled to the sides of the roads.
  7. Category 1 more than 980 mb 28.9395 in 74 - 95 mph 4 -5 ft. Minimal Category 2 965 - 979 mb 28.49655 - 28.90997 in 96 - 110 mph 6 - 8 ft. Moderate Category 3 945 - 964 mb 27.90594 - 28.46702 in 111 - 130 mph 9 - 12 ft. Extensive Category 4 920 - 944 mb 27.16769 - 27.87641 in 131 - 155 mph 13 - 18 ft. Extreme Category 5 919 mb 27.13816 in Over 155 mph Over 18 ft. Catastrophic
  8. Is the haze from wildfires in Canada? I don't see any burning on the map, but it sure looks like smoke haze.
  9. Correct. For two million years, proto-humans and humans have evolved to become extremely social creatures and to require physical interpersonal interaction (with a very keen and developed sense of interpreting facial structure, body language, and tonality of speech). All of that has been significantly tossed to the side with the sudden and materially remarkable human extrication from the physical social square over the past two decades or so. To put it in physical rather than psychic terms, it would be akin to suddenly feeding a rabbit animal proteins and fats, rather than its evolutionary required vegetation. The digestive system simply cannot process and adapt to such a sudden change, even over thousands of years. (Or, for that matter, feeding homo sapiens a plant-based diet.) We simply don't have the capacity to adjust and adapt to all the complex and different things that our brains bring forth. And we are at the point where we are facing this conflictedness between intellectual capacity, and the boundaries of human adjustment and acceptance to that. Enter anxiety, depression, and the entire suite of burgeoning mood and behavioral disorders.
  10. And this is what it looked like to me in southern Litchfield Cty.
  11. Gettin blasted now. .15 in 6 minutes. And then done. .19 so far. Gonna go sit by the pond with a bottle of vodka and talk to the frogs.
  12. You know that great feeling when the rain stops, the clouds part, and rays of sun beam upon the land? I've experienced it four times today.
  13. Showers and a couple rumbles dropping in soon from the NW. Down to 67.4F from 75.6F.
  14. My low was 3.9 degrees away from hitting the 40s. Just did my barefoot grounding walk...feels amazing.
  15. I went out at 230 for about 15 minutes. Didn't see the NL, but I did see three meteors and a flashing satellite.
  16. 75/62 Battling some cloud streaming in from the SW over the next hour or two, but still partly sunny.
  17. I have to protect my two 14 year old daughters from a lot of late summer shenanigans. And added to that mix is a category 4 hurricane named Ernestos.
  18. They'll see when New England is flattened and there's no power for a month. Or two months if in CT.
  19. I agree. I have had a very unsettled feeling about this. Like Category 4 unsettled. Not to mention, I'm supposed to host a reunion on the Cape from the 17th through the 25th.
  20. So close to getting some sun here, but not happening. Just transient bursts of brightening. Southern LI, Cape, and parts of SE Mass seem to be doing well in this regard.
  21. Looks like that's factoring in the major hurricane?
  22. Remember September, 1985. TS Henri smashed into the RI/CT border on the 23rd. A few days later Gloria cut a path of destruction from Bridgeport to Atlantic Canada.
  23. 71/71. .03" Looking for the key to the tornado shelter.
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