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Everything posted by Patrick-02540

  1. Usual flood spots in CT getting a decent rainfall now. Picked up .20 in 30, and a bunch more to go.
  2. 77.7/66.3 Peach sun tea and a Macanudo under an acer saccharum, serenaded by cicadas, waiting for another cord of seasoned firewood. All is good on the compound.
  3. Fireplaces are impractical and costly for heat. If your stove will be in a finished room, get something like a nice Lopi or Jotul with a glass door. You can usually get them to connect into an existing fireplace, too.
  4. Southbury, Oxford, Beacon Falls, Bethany, and Hamden. 1989, 2018, 2024 (excluding Bethany/Hamden). One straight line across central western CT. Disaster upon disaster. I am sure insurance underwriters have those towns highlighted in red. Otherwise, an outstanding day today. 73, low humidity, gentle breeze. Estate sales, dump runs, grocery shopping, wood stacking.
  5. 51/51.3. Everything covered in dew, including windows. Took a long drive through Southbury and Woodbury yesterday. Besides the larger flooding issues where entire bridges and roads were washed out, there are dozens of places where streams blasted into the roadsides, eroding out a few feet underneath the roadway and causing partial collapse. At this point, there are just cones warning people of the dangers. I can't imagine how long it will take to repair them all, and what that repair process will entail. Traffic is a nightmare, too of course. What should have been a 12 minute drive to Southbury took me 40 minutes, and that won't change anytime soon.
  6. I wouldn't mind receiving a nice paste job on Halloween.
  7. New seasonal low of 45 last night, last hit back on May 31.
  8. There are more options in a private program, as you can adjust your coverage. However, if you are in an area that was recently flooded, it may be very difficult to get the private insurance now, or you will pay an astronomical premium. Imagine Luke's friends calling up tomorrow requesting insurance. Companies only like offering flood insurance to people who will never need it. I am routinely harassed with calls about getting a flood program, even up here at 900' on the top of a hill with down-sloping property away from all 4 sides of my home.
  9. Probably have to end up getting a government flood loan. Of course, as a loan, one must pay it back.
  10. I had 3 cords of black locust for the stove a few years back. Loved it. I made a few hammer handles and a mallet from it. A very fine wood for that. Hard, rot resistant, and very stable to changes in humidity.
  11. Downright frigid this morning. It's gonna feel like snow when the stratus roll in later today.
  12. You see them and you sit there in awe and wonder. Every leaf and grain of sand in the road is meticulously swept into a pile, picked up, and dumped somewhere no one has ever stumbled upon. And the sauce simmers on the stove, while the old man escapes to knock back a ball and a banger down at the gin mill.
  13. Finally broke 60. Feels frigid. The old Italian lady up the street was sweeping the road in an ankle-length fur coat.
  14. I think she would have needed separate flood insurance for any coverage.
  15. Sky looking very angry to the west, south , and east. Rolling thunder. Nice little line popped over the flood area.
  16. Not sure about the numbers, but this area has been in the news quite a bit with weather events. July 5th this year, 3" in this area in 90 minutes. We had a few 4" events in summer of 2021. Later in September 2021 a State Trooper was killed as he and his cruiser were flushed down a flooded river in Woodbury after Ida dumped on us. And on May 15, 2018, three tornadoes ripped through and crippled the Southbury, Oxford, Bethany, Seymour, Hamden area.
  17. 6.23 total here. My highest rate was 2.91"/hr briefly around 2pm.
  18. 69 years ago this week. Combined, CT & MA got upwards of 24" from hurricanes Connie and Diane.
  19. Or forecast of 12" of snow and we end up with 768"
  20. 6.14" for the day. Amazing how pathetic that feels when you're up against 16" a few towns over. The same with snow in winter.
  21. They were all in love with dyin'They were drinking from a fountainThat was pouring like an avalancheComing down the mountain.
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