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Everything posted by Patrick-02540

  1. I hear ya. My town hired a special needs person to operate one of our three plows. I'm all for getting those people integrated into society, but putting them in charge of a 30-ton piece of equipment is absurd. I was at the local hardware store last Saturday and the manager and I were talking. He has a hundred mailboxes coming in next week.
  2. Wish I were there...camera on the house in Jackson, NH. 1410'. This was about 3 hours ago. The caretaker said he shoveled earlier, but I'm not sure.
  3. .57, all liquid. Winds picking up, turning to NNW. 37F. Happy Thanksgiving and congrats to everyone with snow!
  4. https://www.thegardnernews.com/story/news/local/2024/09/04/gardner-ma-police-mystery-booms-cannon-templeton-winchendon-otter-river/75073685007/ Last year, a boom in your area was from someone supposedly firing off blanks in his homemade cannon. Heard across 3 towns.
  5. I'm not a religious type of guy, but in this case, I will pray for you.
  6. Exactly. I have a massive debris burn pile going back to early September. Gonna head out there tomorrow afternoon and start my barrel incinerator for the small stuff. Will be too windy for an open fire, though.
  7. Brother's house in Washington, CT. 2". He's at 1100'.
  8. I remember being in Westchester county NY in 2010 or 2011 and we were getting obliterated with heavy snow, while it was pouring rain everywhere north and northeast of there.
  9. Yeah, I'll be pouring a cold rain, and 15 miles to my southwest they'll be buried in 10 inches.
  10. .6 so far. Hoping to see a few flakes in the next 24. Maybe it will be snowing in Greenwich, but raining in Torrington.
  11. Yeah, just started sprinkling here, with a bunch more building over eastern NY State. First drops since Sept. 7 when we got about .5.
  12. There is some great color on certain branches of the sugar maples around here. (Like one branch has turned, and the rest of the tree is green.) If the entire tree follows suit, it will be great. Otherwise, outside of a few yellows and browns and dirty crimsons, it's still pretty green.
  13. A little hurricane history. From 1980 to 2020, there were 21 "major" hurricanes (Cat 3 or higher) that hit the US (5 in the 80s, 5 in 90s, 7 in the 00s, and 4 in the 10s). That's 5.25 of them per decade. The average since 1850 is 5.6 per decade. So the last 4 decades have been slightly below average, but close enough that we can call it average. The total number of hurricanes that hit the US during that period is 66, or 16.5 per decade. The average since 1850 is 17.7 per decade. Again, slightly below average, but close enough that I think we can call it statistically average.
  14. Glorious day. Started with jeans, now in shorts. So there are some new emojis available. Been away for a few days. That's Crap and Violently Disagree. I can see them coming in handy as we head into winter.
  15. I hope there's some beer in that cooler and not just two chainsaws.
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