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About Patrick-02540

  • Birthday 09/27/1975

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Woodbury, CT (940')/Manhattan, NYC (770')/Falmouth, MA (23')

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  1. Good meltage today. Getting tired of the ice and dirty piles around here. Don't hate me for that, but I'm ready to turn the corner after the last two weeks.
  2. I think we're done here. Then the heavy rains will melt the ice before the winds start pumping.
  3. Yeah...and looks like winds start to really crank around 8pm around us.
  4. 28.2 here too. I was wondering why my wind reading has been 0. My anemometer is frozen solid.
  5. Even my hickories and oaks are struggling in this. Totally catastrophic.
  6. Very happy for you guys. What do you have on the ground/pack?
  7. Heavy rain/sleet here now. Freezing on contact.
  8. I texted my plow guy and told him not to come. Gonna wait for the heavy rains to flush it out.
  9. I was cocked last night...left both sets of keys in the truck and didn't park in barn...can't open up doors.
  10. Temp dropping. Down to 25.8. Radar filling in to SW. This is going to be extreme.
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