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About Patrick-02540

  • Birthday 09/27/1975

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Woodbury, CT (940')/Manhattan, NYC (770')/Falmouth, MA (23')

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  1. That's the tradeoff. It will feel colder tonight, but be colder tomorrow night.
  2. We ran a very similar study back in 2004 in which participants were shown photos of people. Those with the 2nd longest stare rates were of people who satisfied the traditional 20th century/modern concepts of "beauty." (That has a higher degree of subjectivity, to be sure.) But the photos that were looked at longest were images of obviously grotesque, malformed, or extremely terrified people. The theory was that looking at something pleasing elicits less complex brain responses versus looking at something terrifying or morbid or in pain. Brain wave analysis seems to confirm that. Sorry, Boston. (just kidding.)
  3. Forecast high today is 31 for this area. I hit 24 about an hour ago, and it's dropped to 22 now. Winds sustained at 15-18, gusts to 25. Gonna be a fun two nights.
  4. Congrats. It requires some talent to speak on a cellphone whilst taking a leak.
  5. And another 4 days later (missing to the south, but better than to the NW). Maybe this is the timeframe.
  6. This event will put me at just over 11" for December so far. Not bad. The problem starts if this pattern continues into January and February when we need bigger amounts to keep the seasonal average (at least!) going. Cutters and clippers won't do it.
  7. Yeah, I'm hoping to hit an inch from the last 24 hours. That would bring me to 11 for the season.
  8. https://www.blitzortung.org/en/historical_maps.php?map=30 This goes back 2 hours. I don;t see anything popping up over the Cape.
  9. My aunt is in Yarmouthport on the Cape. Almost 2 on the ground. She just told me it's supposed to turn back over to rain. Not sure where she's getting that from, but I doubt it.
  10. Back is business here in W CT. Nice little band forming over us. Solid coating, approaching an inch. 28F. Been at 28 since 5:30 this AM.
  11. Yeah, I ended up with a little more than a dusting, but not quite a coating.
  12. Yeah, I've been watching that band develop and move up. Coating here on the Woodbury/Bethlehem line in last 5 minutes. Actually, according to my own definition, it's not yet a coating, just a dusting.
  13. Yeah, I see much less interest in snow (or anything weather/nature related) with the kids these days. For many of them, they wouldn't recognize a foot of snow if they were walking through it. There are some wonderful exceptions, however, and they stand out to me.
  14. I wonder if it's as bad for heroin addicts when they don't get a fix.
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