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About LongIslandWx

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  1. A flood watch has been issued for the NYC area by Upton.
  2. I was surprised not to see 1972-1973 included in this list, but then I went back and looked up the DJF temperatures and was equally surprised to see that the season had multiple arctic outbreaks. Makes the lack of snow that season even more frustrating!
  3. I'm going to have to mow again this weekend (hopefully this is the last time...)!
  4. I'm not sure if this will influence people or not in the times we are living in. NWS workers are considered essential workers, thus have continued working throughout the pandemic. And the vast majority of them remain in their offices as the agency is not setup for widespread working from home.
  5. The Christmas 2002 storm was a doozy....with much of the snow falling in a 4 or 5 hour period from 4 - 9 pm. Close to 8 or 9" in Nassau County with that one.
  6. I never met you, JoMo, and I'm pretty new to these threads, but I want to echo the sentiments by the other posters. I'm glad to hear that you and your family are safe and I bet you are counting your blessings that your house wasn't three blocks away. I can't imagine that kind of devestation, especially being from Long Island, where severe weather is extremely rare. I pray that those who have lost everything will be able to make themselves whole again. And thanks, once again, for taking the time to provide your prospective.
  7. Excellent post. Also don't be too proud to take your lumps in part-time positions during your winter/summer breaks and after you graduate as well. All experience matters!
  8. Computer programming will help out immensly. I didn't have too much experience in that and I believe it has hurt me along the way.
  9. Not a popular topic from a new poster indeed, but I'd been willing to bet the poster has had frustrating personal experiences and needed a forum to vent. That being said, I can't disagree with the majority of what he has said. I personally have suffered from a lot of setbacks, but I didn't give up and am happy with my current situation in the field. I even rejected some job offers because I thought the salary was way too low and worked for near minimum wage at some part time jobs. But I had the support of a very loving family, so I was fortunately able to weather these situations.
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