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About CoolBreeze

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    10 mi. S of Winston-Salem, NC Elevation 950 ft.

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  1. Thank you for taking the time to explain these concepts, Burgertime. It is very helpful in understanding what we are look at and for!
  2. I was watching the live web cam at the NC State Belltower, and I saw something interesting. A man, alone, slowly walked up the steps to the belltower, turned around to face outward, then standing there he lifted both arms up and tilted his head up to gaze into the snowy sky. He stood like that for about a minute, not moving. Then he slowly lowered his arms, walked down the steps, and disappeared into that snowy scene. I believe he experienced pure joy at that moment, watching the snow fall. I too know this feeling. I have fond memories of big snowfalls when I was a studnet at NC State long ago, when good snows were more common there. Im glad I was able to re-experience that joy again with him.... good times....
  3. The ground is starting to turn white now, with heavier snow falling, big flakes!
  4. All snow here for 40 minutes, 10 miles south of WInston-Salem. The ground has not started turning white...
  5. Mostly sleet now, with some snow mixed in. Ground turning white...
  6. Quarter-sized flakes here now, very little rain in it.
  7. Snow (half-melted flakes) beginning to mix in with the rain here.
  8. Nothing falling here, 10 miles south of Winston-Salem NC, though clouds are getting thick.
  9. Raining here, but half-melted snow flakes mixing in now. I'm 10 mi. south of Winston-Salem NC.
  10. Light snow started here about 10 minutes ago (10 mi south of Winston-Salem, NC).
  11. Sleet mixed with snow started here, 10 miles south of Winston-Salem NC.
  12. Moderate snow here, 31 degrees. Sticking to trees and ground. Starting to accumulate... Correction - 34 degrees.
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