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Everything posted by Brianonymous

  1. Not insignificant.. Pretty heavy, too. 3"-4" and dumping at a good clip.
  2. Finally hit 32, I was getting nervous. Roads caving.
  3. My security cams have started picking up some very very light rain. 45/36
  4. Howdy everyone. Haven't been here since the nader. Happy new years - may the weenies run strong and true.
  5. Huh. Was just outside, something is falling... but I honestly can't determine what. Too small to actually see, but I definitely felt it.
  6. At what point can we just start calling this hail Some of these Dippin dots are bigger than bb's
  7. These wee little ice balls are falling, and they sting!! I guess that's sleet?? I thought I had blown a pipe in the house because it sounded like a water leak when it hit the windows.
  8. It's a crappy $40 grill. I'm begging for the day it dies.
  9. Like your car and everything around you was encased in carbonite. Bring a hammer.
  10. Whoa, I just looked out the window and realized its actually dumping pretty good. Big fatties. Still pretty warm, at 35 right now.
  11. I was just outside. I saw 2 flakes fall. Season totals: 4" + 2 flakes
  12. What the hell? I do not comprehend that level of ice accumulation.
  13. I was just on rt2 at the south river bridge and saw a whole fleet of power trucks
  14. Went outside to scoop snow and was sleeted upon. It's gooshing all my gains.
  15. Pretty impressive sleet falling right now. My deck looks like a slurpy right now.
  16. Found what I was ultimately after. Turns out I was pretty dang close.
  17. Sorry for the dumb question, but is there a site I can go get the radar images from yesterday? I'm sure there is, but my google-fu is failing me. I want to see wtf came through and exactly how close I was to it. Super curious.
  18. That storm was no joke. Whew! Haven't seen that kind action since the derecho. View from my driveway currently.
  19. Dang, just kicked into high gear over here. Nice.
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