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About Golly

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  • Location:
    Queenstown md

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  1. 1/4 hail on the southern flank with lots of thunder,,no wind ...
  2. 1.75" here in Queenstown....
  3. 0.7 inch here with a couple rumbles...
  4. This storm total of 2.15 inches here brought the month up to normal, after a dry start.....
  5. 1.42" at Queenstown..
  6. Flakes in Queenstown 42F.....
  7. Light snow now in Queenstown ,,good size cornflakes though ...36F
  8. Almost 2 inches in Queenstown ...33F Roads are just wet though.....
  9. Well there it goes...Now sleet and freezing drizzle in Queenstown ...Toal snow 0.7 " ....29F
  10. 11.7 inches for Queenstown.....winding down now.....
  11. 3.05" here today...4hrs of rolling thunder to boot...
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