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Everything posted by Stormpc

  1. Finally light snow and a coating in Woodbridge. That enhanced area sw of DCA ain't much. I'm in it. But its been hopping over and missing eastern PW and Fairfax the past 2 hours.
  2. Lived in Montclair for 17 years. Nothing prettier than a drive down Waterway during heavy snow. Unfortunately through the 90s and early 2000s all of the bradford pears they had in the median broke due to heavy snow or strong winds. They have been replaced with other more hearty trees but for time it was really unique.
  3. Yes!!! It's Happening!!! Soon....26/22. The evolution of the storm is going to be very interesting. St. Louis may have their second highest snow of all time if they reach 15in today or tonight. Good luck everyone. Looking forward to your observations. Be safe.
  4. I think that's his Clarksburg place. I'm not sure though. Usually he has a log of poop next to an old snow pile.
  5. 25/17. Wind finally let up. 12 hours from go-time!
  6. What a storm! Good for all that cashed in. I had to laugh at that radar signature earlier that was contoured almost to the exact shape Interstate 66 takes running east/west through Va. Amazing.
  7. Yes...where is he. I need an update. I did not make it back to Woodbridge as planned.
  8. I'm debating if I should leave my place in Currituck to go back to the Woodbridge house early tomorrow. I have appointments in Northern Virginia and DC on Tuesday that I cannot miss so either I come back early tomorrow or chance driving back on Monday, assuming the roads are clear. Either way I'm most likely to miss seeing any snow. Unless I leave too late and get caught driving through the Richmond area.
  9. Well, the trucks better be out because I have to drive back to my Nova house tomorrow morning I can't get stuck in Richmond. I'm coming up from the Outer Banks so I don't expect any bad weather until Williamsburg or further north on 64. But I'll probably leave around 7 tomorrow morning. Places like Farmville may be the local jackpot area. Hope this one Nails you guys in the Richmond area.
  10. I'd bet conversational flakes make it as far north as the Potomac. 1 inch up to Fredericksburg. Then Spotsy down thru Ashland 2-6 in that order. Not sure Richmond doesnt mix, but maybe 8+ west toward Farmville and south west. I am also not discounting a rogue band developing in central Montgomery County that stretches through Howard into Baltimore. It seems to happen during every storm in central Pennsylvania where they are seemingly not in the game but end up a doubling my snowfall.
  11. You have known him as Tenman Johnson the past 5 years or so. We all knew it was him....come on Jeb!! Sorry for the banter. If I was in Richmond I'd be feeling a lot better but would love to see some of the globals jump North as well.
  12. 1.47 in here in Currituck. Breezy 25-30 at times. Soaker started at around 11:15. Perfect.
  13. This will be the 18th straight rainless day for me. .12 in the last 21 days if you go back 3 more days. Never fails. When most needed, we get nothing. All of the goodwill from mother nature is gone. Don't really like our chances in the next 7 days either. Maybe after that. My neighborhood is turning brown.
  14. Was at a stop light in Columbia ready to make a right onto I95, window down. New car....and I heard rumble and my hand that was on the wheel started to shake. I assumed it was the engine and started to regret my new purchase. Light turned and I made the right on the entrance to 95 then noticed the light at the top of the pole swaying to my right. Odd....no wind. Car running fine again at accelerated speed. Flicked on 980 WTEM and Kevin Sheehan, at this very moment says "everything in the studio is shaking. I think we are having an earthquake...we're out of here"...then cuts to some replay of another show. Put on TOP news and they immediately reported it and the rest is history...I kind of feel gypped. Wife in Merrifield on 7th floor was holding onto desk to keep her chair from rolling away. Daughter in Borders in Woodbridge where everyone dropped their books and ran out the store.....so gypped.
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