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Everything posted by Stormpc

  1. Jackson is playing like an inexperienced quarterback. Since the start of the game. He is showing his age. They are a long shot now. Its OVER!!
  2. RIP Neal Pert. Incredibly talented. Quite the show man. Was lucky to see them a few times from the 80s through the 2000s. Too young. Best that ever lived x100.
  3. Dorks! You guys are too funny. I saw the 'Hotel' hanging out there and was waiting and wondering if the remainder would follow. Good job.
  4. Old stomping grounds independent Hill 20 minutes ago. Daughter sent me picture.
  5. Wouldn't it be something if through all of this despair and gloom and doom you end up with two minor or decent events by the time the pattern flips and January delivers 6 or more inches of snow by the 20th? I'm excited for you guys. This one tomorrow is exactly the kind of fluke event the Middle Atlantic can accidentally back into. Good luck!
  6. Mersky. Who is that? He has been meticulously picking through psu's posts, and others, to become quite annoying. I don't need his interpretations of others contributions. Where did he come from? I'm tired of him.
  7. Isles got lucky to get out of there with 2 points. Capitals are doing their usual midseason swoon.
  8. I know... I should have specified they've won the last three at Capital One.
  9. Isles waxed the Caps...again!!!!!
  10. Yeah. He's gone after today. Good for you Redskins fans. What a complete disaster that organization is. One problem. And the biggest problem. Danny is still there. Unless he sells the team look for much of the same. That fool changed the landscape of pro football in the DMV to an afterthought. 20 years ago and prior it used to be all Redskins all the time 12 months out of the year. Now the other two prominent sports franchises in the region have far exceeded Danny Boys lump of crap. Thank goodness for that. Otherwise it would be a miserable town notwithstanding the lack of snow.
  11. Or, from another old guy, buy, or customize a golf cart. That's what I did when I moved down to the coast. It's fantastic. Just came back from a ride with the wife along the shoreline in our neighborhood. No panting. No stopping to rest. Can take 4 passengers and food and beverages as well. My way is much lazier and less healthy but baby steps. I just suspended drinking alcohol about a week ago. Feeling great.
  12. You ain't kidding. In fact I think Shoppers has the best donuts around.
  13. Kocin was spewing loop-de-loop for 2 days. Well as it turns out it looped but didn't de Loop.
  14. Give up the fight Bob. It takes its toll. Do what I did and go to a place where you are rarely In The Game so you aren't emotionally invested. Do the opposite and live on the SE coast or inland waterway when you can take advantage of the bays and ocean for 7 months and get the occasional snow event. Semi-retire and enjoy jet skis, ocean, fishing and hunting. There are some nice Inland Lake communities in Southwestern Virginia or North Western North Carolina that cash in more than Parrs Ridge.
  15. Funny thing I was just in the SE sub-forum and saw Olaf contribute. I checked and he is in Greensboro NC! Did he ever live in the MA? To top it off, I'm in NC too now. So the perennial dominance at the top is from 2 NC NOOBS?
  16. They should sit Jackson and play McSorley and RG3 against the Jets. Come on. It's the hapless loser Adam Gase never prepared JETS. Those clowns from North Jersey. They made Andy Dalton look like Russell Wilson a few weeks ago. And they scored all of six points against the Bangles. The Ravens are not losing this game if you were the quarterback.
  17. That guy isn't going anywhere. Likely get a raise.
  18. Where's Wes? I don't think I've seen him around this season as of yet.
  19. Yes, and it was at Bernie Madoff's direction they defer it that way. Stupid Mets. Rendon was GONE no matter what. Strasburg signing is smart. They had to. They are trying to extend this roll and relevancy for another 3-5 years.
  20. Wow. Radar looking great for some snow tv at least. Maybe a modest dusting. Everywhere.
  21. Since I'm permanently out of the game, I've been lurking in the NYC forum and it's been a calamity. Makes for a great Stressless read when you have no skin in the game but some of those weenies are imploding. You can guess what's going on just by looping the radar.
  22. Theres a few SUPERWEENIES in there. One 'NYC' guy cracks me up with all of his nonsense analysis and another one earlier took a shot at DC calling it a cesspool. Makes for fun reading.
  23. Tucker is as good as it gets. I would have preferred running another play to get closer but Harbaugh got away with it. Great win RAVENS
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